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CS100J Lecture 18 Previous Lecture Programming concepts This Lecture

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1 CS100J Lecture 18 Previous Lecture Programming concepts This Lecture
Two-dimensional arrays Java Constructs Constructors for two-dimensional arrays Initializers for arrays final Reading Lewis & Loftus Section 6.3 Savitch, Section 6.5 This Lecture Two dimensional arrays. Reasonable size problem (a past assignment). Stepwise refinement. Use of comments as high-level specifications: as high-level commands, as representation invariants. Incremental development and testing. Use of sentinels. Static declarations. Local declarations, scope, and the reuse of names. Heuristic algorithms. CS 100 Lecture 18

2 Knight’s Tour X Kn Chess is played on an 8-by-8 board.
A knight can move 2 in one direction (horizontal or vertical) and 1 in the other direction (vertical or horizontal). For example, Kn can move to each square marked X. Problem. Write a program that tries to find a "knight's tour", e.g., starting in the upper left corner, the knight visits each of the 64 squares exactly once. Kn X CS 100 Lecture 18

3 Possible Solution CS 100 Lecture 18

4 Representation Rule of Thumb. Avoid using literal constants in the code; define and use symbolic constants. Static class declarations visible to all methods. class Knight { /* Chess board B is N-by-N int array, for N == 8. */ final static int N = 8; static int [][] B = new int [N][N]; /* Unvisited squares are Blank. */ static final int Blank = 0; /* Board subscripts range from lo to hi. */ static final int lo = 0; static final int hi = 7; /* UNDEFINED, an illegal coordinate. */ static final int UNDEFINED = -1; } CS 100 Lecture 18

5 Main /* Try to find a Knight's Tour. */
static void main(String args[]) { /* Set B to all Blank. */ Initialize(); /* Set B to arrangement of the integers 1,2,3,... representing consecutive positions of the knight during the tour. Squares that the knight cannot reach remain Blank. */ Solve(); /* Print B in an 8-by-8 grid. */ Display(); } CS 100 Lecture 18

6 Initialize /* Set B to all Blank. */ static void Initialize() {
for (int r = lo; r <= hi; r++) for (int c = lo; c <= hi; c++) B[r][c] = Blank; } CS 100 Lecture 18

7 Solve /* Set B to arrangement of the integers 1,2,3,... representing consecutive positions of the knight during the tour. Squares that the knight cannot reach remain Blank. */ static void Solve() { /* This procedure "stub" permits us to test the main program, Initialize, and Display routines. */ } CS 100 Lecture 18

8 Display /* Print B in an 8-by-8 grid. */ static void Display() {
for (int r = lo; r <= hi; r++) { for (int c = lo; c <= hi; c++) System.out.print(B[r][c] + ” ”); System.out.println(); } Rule of Thumb. Develop your program using small procedures. Test it incrementally. CS 100 Lecture 18

9 Sample Intermediate State
while ( ________________________) { } CS 100 Lecture 18

10 Pattern /* Start at the beginning */ . . .
while ( /* not past the end */ ) { /* Process the current “place” */ /* Go on to the next place (or to “past the end”). */ } CS 100 Lecture 18

11 Solve { /* Initial configuration. */ int move = 0; // moves so far.
int r = lo; // current row of Kn. int c = lo; // current column of Kn. while (r != UNDEFINED) { /* Visit <r,c>. */ move++; B[r][c] = move; /* Let <r,c> be coordinates of an unvisited "neighbor" of current <r,c>, or <UNDEFINED,UNDEFINED> if current square has no unvisited neighbors. */ . . . } CS 100 Lecture 18

12 Choosing a Neighbor to Visit
/* Let <r,c> be coordinates of an unvisited "neighbor" of current <r,c>, or <UNDEFINED,UNDEFINED> if current square has no unvisited neighbors. */ int unvisitedR = UNDEFINED; int unvisitedC = UNDEFINED; for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { int Nrow = _____________________________; int Ncol = _____________________________; if ( B[Nrow][Ncol] == Blank ){ unvisitedR = Nrow; unvisitedC = Ncol; } r = unvisitedR; c = unvisitedC; CS 100 Lecture 18

13 Neighbors // int deltaR[] = {-1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2, 2, 1}; int deltaC[] = { 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2}; Kn 1 7 2 3 4 5 6 CS 100 Lecture 18

14 Boundary Conditions x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
where X can be any non-zero value Must revise Initialize method to fill in border. (Exercise) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x CS 100 Lecture 18

15 Representation Revisited
Static class declarations visible to all methods. /* Chess board B is N-by-N int array, for N == 12. */ final int N = 12; int [][] B = new int [N][N]; /* Unvisited squares are Blank. */ final int Blank = 0; /* Board subscripts range from lo to hi. */ final int lo = 2; final int hi = 9; /* UNDEFINED, an illegal coordinate. */ final int UNDEFINED = -1; /* <deltaR[k],deltaC[k]> is <row,col> offset to neighbor k. */ final static int deltaR[] = {-1,-2,-2,-1, 1, 2,2,1}; final static int deltaC[] = {2 , 1,-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2}; CS 100 Lecture 18

16 Improvement Using Heuristic
Go where the options are running out, i.e., go to the unvisited neighbor with the fewest unvisited neighbors. /* Let <r,c> be coordinates of an unvisited "neighbor" of current <r,c>, or <UNDEFINED,UNDEFINED> if current square has no unvisited neighbors. */ int fewest = 9; // min unvisited neighbors int neighborR = UNDEFINED; int neighborC = UNDEFINED; for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { int Nrow = r + deltaR[k]; int Ncol = c + deltaC[k]; if ( B[Nrow][Ncol] == Blank ){ int n = unvisited(Nrow, Ncol); if (n < fewest ) { neighborR = Nrow; neighborC = Ncol; fewest = n; } r = neighborR; c = neighborC; CS 100 Lecture 18

17 Unvisited /* == the number of neighbors of square <r,c> that are unvisited. */ static int unvisited(int r, int c) { int count = 0; // # unvisited neighs. for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { int Nrow = r + deltaR[k]; int Ncol = c + deltaC[k]; if ( B[Nrow][Ncol] == Blank ) count++; } return count; CS 100 Lecture 18

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