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Words Beginning with a- or be-:

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1 Words Beginning with a- or be-:
Saving Buster Genre: Realistic Fiction Skills: Conclusions – A conclusion is a smart guess about something the author does not say directly. Questions – When you question what you read, you ask yourself questions about a selection before, during, and after you read. Compound Words – A compound word is a word made up of two smaller words. Correct Pronouns – A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. An adjective is a part of speech that tells about a noun or a pronoun. Spelling Words Beginning with a- or be-: below about belong around again alone because above between alive behind begin along before away want awhile beyond afraid beneath Review Vocabulary: Directions: Use a dictionary to define each vocabulary word. worried –troubled about potential problems certainly – definitely or surely raise – to cause to rise afford – able to buy applause – clapping anxiously – nervously dramatic – attracting attention guided – direct to something ingredients – foods that make up a dish fetch - go after and bring back

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