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Kingdom Protists

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1 Kingdom Protists

2 Unit 2 Lesson 2

3 Kingdom: Protista Protists - eukaryotic organisms - cannot be classified as fungi, plants, or animals. Very diverse group of organisms. Classification likely to change – members are unlike each other or are closely related to members of other kingdoms

4 Protists Single-celled microscopic organisms
Diatoms - have cell walls with unusual shapes. Some have many cells, and some live in colonies. Volvox, a kind of green algae, has cells that form spherical colonies.

5 Protists Characteristics
Membrane-bound organelles Contractual vacuoles that remove excess water from the cell. Some – structures for movement – move to find food

6 Protists Movement - Cilia
Some protists move by using cilia or hair like structures that beat rapidly back and forth.

7 Protists Movement - Flagella
Flagellum (whiplike) - propels the cell forward, to move. Amoebas - move by stretching bodies (pseudopod or “false foot”). Cytoplasm flows into false foot and the rest of the cell follows.

8 Activity Protist Word Search

9 HW Read and underline important information on pages 94 – 97 & Complete questions 5 – 8.

10 DO NOW!!! Complete question 10 on Page 97

11 Protist Reproduction: Asexual
Asexually – 1 parent – offspring genetically identical to parent. Binary Fission Single-celled protist - copies DNA - divides into two cells, each has a copy of the DNA. Fragmentation Piece breaks off - develops into new individual


13 Protist Reproduction: Sexual
Sexually - two cells (gametes) join together - one from each parent Each gamete - single copy of the genes (haploid); two copies (diploid) Diploid offspring has a unique combination of genetic material.

14 Gametophytes & Sporophytes
Some protists – generations alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction. Gametophytes - haploid generation adults Sporophytes - diploid generation adults - undergo meiosis to make haploid spores. Spores - reproductive cells - resistant to stressful environmental conditions.

15 haploid generation adults
diploid generation adults

16 Spores Develop into haploid adults - undergo mitosis - form haploid gametes. 2 gametes - form a diploid zygote - grows into a diploid adult. Alternation of generations.

17 Haploid Spores Diploid Adult Diploid Zygote Haploid Adult Haploid Gametes

18 Activity Complete the Protist Word Search

19 HW Read pages and complete questions

20 DO NOW!!! Complete Question 13 on page 99.


22 ] Cannot make their own food, move to get food, and ingest other organisms.


24 Plant – like Protists Producers - sun’s energy = food (photosynthesis)(autotroph) Single-celled / free-floating Phytoplankton—tiny, floating organisms - food for larger organisms. Produce much of the world’s oxygen.

25 Multicellular Plant- like Protist: Algae
Green pigment –chlorophyll color – determines wavelengths of light that can be absorbed

26 Activity & Homework Protist Graphic Organizer
Use your imagination to draw a detailed picture of a Protist Wanted Poster! Make sure to follow protist wanted poster requirements!!!

27 DO NOW!!! FUNGUS Do Now Worksheet
Read the worksheet and answer the questions.

28 Fungus - Unit 2 Lesson 2

29 Fungi Spore-producing - absorb nutrients from environment.
Consumers - cannot make their own food but cannot move Secreting digestive juices - absorbing nutrients from the dissolved food Unique & different – placed in their own kingdom

30 Decomposers Decomposers - nutrients from dead matter.
Eukaryotic cells.

31 Hyphae Although some fungi - single-celled.
Most are multicellular - form chains, or threadlike fungal filaments – hyphae. Mycelium – twisted mass of hyphae (major part of fungus body) mostly underground


33 HW Read and underline important information on pages 100 – Answer questions 14 – 18.

34 DO NOW!!! Parasitic Fungus

35 Asexual Reproduction: 3 Ways
Fragmentation - hyphae break apart - each piece =new fungus. Budding - portion of a parent cell pinches off – becomes new individual. Spores - hyphae produce long stalk (sporangium) - spores develop (mitosis) - spread by wind.

36 Sexual Reproduction Hyphae of 2 individuals – join – producing special reproductive structure. Genetic material – fuse – form diploid cells – undergo meiosis – become haploid again – spores are released – spread throughout environment

37 Zygote Fungi & Mold Zygote fungi:
named after sexual reproductive structures that produce zygotes inside a tough capsule. Live in soil Decomposers Mold: fast-growing reproduces asexually example of asexual stage of a zygote fungus life cycle

38 Sac Fungi Largest group - yeasts, powdery mildews, morels, and bird’s-nest fungi. Asexual and sexual(spores develop in microscopic sac) Multicellular & Single celled Single celled - asexually by budding (new cell pinches off from an existing one)


40 Club Fungi Named for the microscopic structures in which the spores develop. Important decomposers of wood. Nutrients in wood could not be recycled.

41 Lichen – protection, water Algae - food
(Fungus + Plant Roots) Lichen – protection, water Algae - food Roots: Nutrients Fungus: absorbs minerals

42 Activity Complete Fungus Word Search!!

43 HW Complete the Lesson 2 Review on Page 105.

44 Dissect a Mushroom Lab

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