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2 Damped SHM k “Natural Frequency” “Damping Parameter” (rad/s) (s-1) m
“Damping Constant” b (kg/s) EOM: damped oscillator

3 Guess a complex solution:
“trivial solution” Actually 2 equations: Real = 0 Imaginary = 0 … also trivial !

4 Try a complex frequency:
Real Imaginary A, f are free constants.

5 * amplitude decays due to damping
* frequency reduced due to damping

6 Sometimes write solution in terms of wo and Q
How damped? Quality factor: unitless ratio of natural frequency to damping parameter Sometimes write solution in terms of wo and Q Sometimes write EOM in terms of wo and Q:

7 1. “Under Damped” or “Lightly Damped”:
Oscillates at ~wo (slightly less) Looks like SHM (constant A) over a few cycles: wo = 1, g = .01, Q = 100, xo = 1 Amplitude drops by 1/e in Q/p cycles.

8 2. “Over Damped”: imaginary! part of A Still need two constants for the 2nd order EOM: No oscillations!

9 Over Damped wo = 1, g = 10, Q = .1, xo = 1

10 3 “Critically Damped”: …really just one constant, and we need two. Real solution:

11 Critically Damped wo = 1, g = 2, Q = .5, xo = 1 Fastest approach to zero with no overshoot.

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