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Chapter 2 The Chemistry of Life.

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1 Chapter 2 The Chemistry of Life

2 CHEMISTRY The study of the composition and properties of matter and the energy transformations that accompany changes in the basic structure of matter

3 Anything that occupies space and has mass
Matter Anything that occupies space and has mass

4 Matter Three states Composed of elements
5 elements are essential to life in large amounts (C, H, O, N, Ca). Table 2-1, page 33

5 Matter Elements combine to form compounds.
Compound: a substance made up of two or more elements (e.g., H2O)

6 What is the common name for the compound C6H12O6?
Alcohol Sugar Vinegar Salt Baking soda

7 Matter Elements combine to form compounds.
Compounds have different properties from the elements that form them.

8 Matter Elements combine to form compounds.
Expressed by molecular and structural formulas

9 Changes Chemical changes Physical changes

10 Energy The ability to do work

11 Energy Kinetic energy Energy of motion Potential energy Stored energy

12 Can potential energy be converted into kinetic energy?
Yes No

13 Can kinetic energy be converted into potential energy?
Yes No

14 Energy Changes 1st law of thermodynamics
Energy is neither created nor destroyed.

15 Energy Changes 2nd law of thermodynamics
Whenever energy is used, some of it is wasted. Law of degeneration

16 An increase in disorder and loss of usable energy
Entropy An increase in disorder and loss of usable energy

17 Energy Kinetic energy Potential energy Kinetic molecular energy
ALL of the molecules in matter are moving.

18 Energy Kinetic energy Potential energy Kinetic molecular energy
Potential energy of a molecule

19 Chemical Reactions Endothermic Require or absorb heat Exothermic
Give off heat

20 Chemical Reactions Activation energy
The amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction

21 Chemical Reactions Catalysts
Affect the rate of a reaction but are not changed in the reaction

22 Chemical Reactions catalyst X A + B C + D

23 Chemical Reactions Enzymes Compounds that serve as organic catalysts

24 Solutions Suspensions Colloids

25 Solution A homogeneous mixture of one or more substances in another substance Solute (dissolved) Solvent (dissolver)

26 Suspension A substance in which the particles are mixed but are not dissolved and will settle out over time

27 Colloid A mixture of fine particles that do not dissolve but also do not settle out quickly Gel phase (semisolid) & sol phase (fluid) Reversible & nonreversible

28 Diffusion Net movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration

29 Will diffusion eventually stop, or will it continue indefinitely?
It will stop. It will continue.

30 Diffusion Kinetic molecular energy is the driving force behind diffusion.

31 Diffusion Concentration gradient
Difference between the numbers of 1 type of molecule in 2 adjacent areas Diffusion pressure

32 The diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane
Osmosis The diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane

33 Will equilibrium ever be reached in osmosis?
Yes No

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