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D14 – Bellringer! Pick a game that you are very familiar with.

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Presentation on theme: "D14 – Bellringer! Pick a game that you are very familiar with."— Presentation transcript:

1 D14 – Bellringer! Pick a game that you are very familiar with.
Suggestions: Monopoly Yahtzee Scrabble Chess, etc. Next, analyze the objectives of the game, according to the objectives / goals that we discussed last time in class.

2 Core Game Elements Open up your textbooks, and let’s turn to page 27.
According to the text there are 4 core game elements: Player Format Objectives Rules Resources Let’s talk about Objectives next.

3 Objectives / Goals What is the purpose of the game? What are your goals? Objectives determine who wins a game or a level of the game. Below are some common types of game objectives: Score Capture / Destroy Collection Solve Chase/race/escape Spatial Alignment Build Avoiding a Loss Advancing the story Explore

4 Pick a Format, Continued:
Pick one of the games that we have here in our class (not required, but will make it easier): Next, with those in your group, pick a format category that you’d like to create a poster for. One group per category. Next, pick some games that help exemplify that category. Get to work!

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