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Year 6 Autumn 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 6 Autumn 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 6 Autumn 2018

2 Meet the teachers Mrs Davies (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)
Mrs Howard (Wednesdays) Miss Curtis

3 Ancient Greece

4 PE Monday - Swimming Thursday – Sports coach
Please make sure that the children have their PE kit in school at all times

5 School Values Perseverance Honesty Creativity Positivity Respect
Empathy Unity

6 Reading Skill KS2 Retrieve How would you describe this story/text?
What genre is the text? How did…? How often… Who has…? Who is…? Who did…? What happened to…? What does … do? Give one example of…? Inference Find and copy a group of words that show that… How do the descriptions of … show that they are …? How can you tell that…? What impression of …. Do you get from these paragraphs? What was… thinking when …? Evaluate Is the use of … effective? What affect does … have on you as a reader? How does the author engage the reader here? Which words and phrases has the author used effectively? Which section was the most interesting/exciting part? Why did the author…? Deduce Why do you think…? Why has the author used the word…?

7 Homework Mon - Spelling rule introduced. Grammar collected in
Tues – Maths collected in Wed – Science given out (if applicable) and collected in and reading records checked and updated Thurs – Grammar given out Fri – Spellings checked Maths given out

8 Spellings

9 Targets Reading Writing Maths

10 SAT’s Pre-testing Reading Maths Spelling, punctuation and grammar

11 Any questions?

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