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piaggio review november 20th 2006

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1 piaggio review november 20th 2006

2 as what would we like to see the scooter: barchetta?

3 basic elements of the barchetta
- protective shield - deck - deckline: separates public from private - storage, people space: whole width of vehicle

4 barchetta: “little boat”
recreational vehicle pleasurable elegantly moves through environment protective front “shield” protected, semi-private space: head/ upper body is public open top like a little island “we” feeling for people on board can store belongings you always look good in it

5 barchetta: sport! power!
recreational vehicle pleasurable elegantly moves through environment protective front “shield” protected, semi-private space: head/ upper body is public open top like a little island “we” feeling for people on board can store belongings you always look good in it

6 barchetta: humanpowered?
recreational vehicle pleasurable elegantly moves through environment protective front “shield” protected, semi-private space: head/ upper body is public open top like a little island “we” feeling for people on board can store belongings you always look good in it

7 radical rethinking: the amoeba!

8 amoeba: any shape, anywhere

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