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January 29, 2019: Fourth Chapter Meeting

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1 January 29, 2019: Fourth Chapter Meeting
RVHS Key Club January 29, 2019: Fourth Chapter Meeting Make sure to turn in your semester logs!!!

2 Key Club Pledge “ I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.”

3 Requirements 40 hours of service per year (10 hours per quarter)
Participation in Key Club sponsored Activities & inspire others to serve Please let us know if you have ANY ideas for club sponsored activities. We want you to be active members in the club and we are always open to suggestions, just ask! If you are short on hours, don’t hesitate to come see Mrs. P or any of the officers! We’re here to help!

4 Expectations You should be in Key Club for more than just “hours” or “ just to put it on your application” Key Club members should enjoy finding new opportunities and giving back to the community Don’t “stop” at 40 hours We need members who are going to invite others to help us give back and serve the community We are a team that represents Riverside AND Key Club International Speak up, follow through, take initiative, and be responsible for communicating Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

5 Our Key Club Goal We hope to make our club an “outlet” that people can go to for volunteer opportunities We know there are a lot of clubs with community service requirements and we would like to work together rather than against one another

6 Mobile Hope Drive We did this drive last year, and we want to do it again this year! Week of February 11-22 We will package these bags at the February meeting (you can get hours) Necessities: small toiletries, etc.

7 Science Night STEAM night hosted by SNHS Seldens Landing Elementary
March 19th SNHS, Mu Alpha Theta, Key Club, Girls who Code, and Photography club are all interested in coming

8 DCON! Key Club district convention in Baltimore, MD March 15-17, 2019
Theme: Island Paradise Guest speakers, leadership conference, awards, dance, etc. Submit an application for an award?

9 T-shirts! If you filled out and paid for a t-shirt we are in the process of ordering them

10 Useful Information At this time of the year, the amount of opportunities within the community tend to be harder to find Service is not limited to outside the school, you can do service within the school too! Examples: help a teacher during your study hall, in the mornings, on a teacher work day, etc. You can also do service within your own home/neighborhood! Examples: helping out a neighbor, donating your time to help others, reading to children at the library, etc. Remember: If you are passionate about something, don’t hesitate to talk to any of the officers or Mrs. P about finding short/long term opportunities. Examples: interning at a clinic, special Olympics coach, etc. If Advisories begin to ask for or assign leaders you can earn hours this way as well Imagine with this cold weather how many people in the community may be struggling to have warm clothes, food, etc. making a difference can come in the smallest packages.

11 Upcoming Opportunities
National School Counselors Week next week! What can we do to make them feel special and appreciated? Wednesday (tomorrow) in Mrs. Dadiego’s room 4-6pm to create blankets with Belmont Ridge students Any other Valentine’s Day opportunities to support other organizations? Humanity First & Ram Pals are selling candy grams and carnations Spirit Week Feb for SCA February 16th – Humanity first Sandwich and brownie making 12p-3p PEER has a babysit/movie night on Feb 16th for parents Know about these other club activities by: attending Club Council meetings each month AND listening to the announcements or following Riverside’s Social Media

12 When? February 26, 2019 Where? Auditorium What time? 8:30 AM
Next Chapter Meeting… When? February 26, 2019 Where? Auditorium What time? 8:30 AM

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