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Student Experience Survey 2017 Highlights

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1 Student Experience Survey 2017 Highlights
Analysis provided by the Office of Strategic Planning and Information Date: 17 May 2018 Visit our website for additional information and analysis, or for our contact details for support and advice in the use of this analysis.

2 Student Experience Survey (SES) The SES is Australia’s first national survey of undergraduate experience. Students in their first and later years of their course are surveyed in the second semester and asked about their experience at their higher education institution. The following SES data are used: Quality of educational experience (item): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the quality of their overall educational experience; Teaching quality (scale): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the quality of teaching they had experienced as measured by the items in the teaching quality scale; Learner engagement (scale): the proportion of non-external undergraduates who were satisfied with their engagement with learning as measured by the items in the learner engagement scale;

3 Learning resources (scale): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the learning resources provided by their higher education institution as measured by the items in the learning resources scale; Student support (scale): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the support they received at their higher education institution as measured by the items in the student support scale; and Skills development (scale): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the skills development they experienced through their higher education studies as measured by the items in the skills development scale.

4 SES - QILT Website Data CSU Student Support is 3.4 percentage points (pp) above the national average with a satisfaction rating of 75.3%. Learner Engagement is 3.6pp above the national rate at 67.6%. The Overall Experience rating is 2pp below the national average at 77.3%. *The QILT Website will present data from the previous two years for each focus area. **The Learner Engagement Focus Area DOES NOT include External mode of study responses.

5 SES National and Institution Focus Area Scores
CSU has improved since 2016 in the Student Support Focus Area and is well above the national average. The Learner Engagement satisfaction rate is also above the national average despite a decrease in the last year. All other Focus Areas are both below the national average and have experienced a decline in the last year. *The Learner Engagement Focus Area DOES NOT include External mode of study responses.

6 Quality of Educational Experience
Quality of Educational Experience satisfaction rate down from 78.2% in 2016 to 75.9% and dropped from 29th position to 34th. Torrens is a new addition to Universities. Quality of educational experience (item): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the quality of their overall educational experience.

7 Teaching Quality Teaching Quality satisfaction rate down from 80.7% in 2016 to 78.4% and rank dropped from 25th to 33rd position. Teaching quality (scale): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the quality of teaching they had experienced as measured by the items in the teaching quality scale.

8 Learner Engagement (non-external undergraduates)
Learner Engagement satisfaction rate dropped from 68.7% in 2016 to 66.2% and rank dropped from 5th to 7th. New additions ahead of CSU include RMIT, Torrens, ACU and Curtin. Learner engagement (scale): the proportion of non-external undergraduates who were satisfied with their engagement with learning as measured by the items in the learner engagement scale.

9 Learning Resources Learning Resources satisfaction rate down from 84.0% in 2016 to 82.1% and ranked slipped from 23rd to 30th. Learning resources (scale): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the learning resources provided by their higher education institution as measured by the items in the learning resources scale.

10 Skills Development Skills Development satisfaction rate down from 79.5% in 2016 to 78.6% and rank dropped from 30th to 32nd. Skills development (scale): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the skills development they experienced through their higher education studies as measured by the items in the skills development scale.

11 Student Support Student Support satisfaction rate up from 74.4% to 76.7% in 2016 and rank improved 16th to 10th position. CSU has surpassed USC, Wollongong, Griffith, Deakin, QUT, Flinders, Newcastle and ACU. Student support (scale): the proportion of undergraduates who were satisfied with the support they received at their higher education institution as measured by the items in the student support scale.

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