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OPM Contracting Officer

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1 OPM Contracting Officer
Program Flow Chart Legend: Account Manager Crystal Faculty Program Manager OPM Contracting Officer Process Comments

2 Google Agency for name/ info and save (Basic Info)
Custom Programs- Initial Contact Lead Leads are generated through many sources including, faculty referrals, LDS participants, MDC referrals, phone inquiries, etc. The CRM is our Customer Relationship Management tool. All Lead information is stored there. A new Lead generates numerous steps for tracking purposes and requires at least weekly updates to the CRM Account Manager CRM Leads Adds agency to the Lead Board OPM Weekly Report Create folder O:/fei /custom solutions office/ project management folders Crystal R Adds info to CRM Google Agency for name/ info and save (Basic Info) Create CRM Data Sheet

3 Custom Programs – Data Collection
CRM Custom Programs – Data Collection Initial Contact with Client No Requires Needs Assessment Basic Logistics Include: Dates, Location, # of participants, Venue options, Topics to be taught, Type of program Length of Program Why they chose FEI? The CRM is updated at least weekly with information about Leads through the arrival of the Funding Documents. Check for Faculty Partners Yes Brief Faculty Conduct Needs Assessment (PM may be included in process) Choose Assessment Team (Faculty) Create 1st Draft Program Overview Send Overview to Client for Approval Discussion & Revision Reject Reject Accept Check with Client POC in six months Prepare Budget

4 Custom Programs – Obtaining Funding/
Create Budget Send to OPM for review Account Managers create Statements of Work and Funding Documents which often go through several iterations. Scanned docs are kept on O:\clcs\IAA Program Codes are assigned by the Financial Team. No requisitions can be filed till the program is assigned a code. We are currently working on developing new partnerships with university faculty to coordinate programs with FEI faculty. Create SOW/7600) Not Accepted Send to Client Discussion & Revision Accepted Docs are signed by agency and returned to AM Not Accurate Discussion & Revision Accurate Print and take to BESO for signature Accepted Not Accepted AM scans and puts on O: drive /Docs sent to OPM for signature Signed copy sent to Agency Accepted Program Code assigned Fundings docs sent to SABA POC

5 Custom Programs – Purchase Requests
AMs Identify in house faculty The SOW is sent to OPM’s contracting office where qualified faculty are vetted and through a selection panel are hired to teach the courses that are a part of the program. In addition to instructors, assessments, venues, textbooks, classroom supplies, field experiences, case studies, etc. are procured for the program OPM handles all of the things needed for the program and provides the information to the AM and PM for program delivery. AM requests PM Enough Faculty? . Yes No Faculty contact Agency POC OPM CO solicits faculty per the SOW Vendor selected AM & PM notified Vendor/faculty notified

6 AV Support AMs Faculty/ Instructors Assessments Participants Field
Custom Programs – Program Managers (From Project to Program) AMs Faculty/ Instructors Assessments After the project is given a Program Code it is turned over to the Program Manager (PM) for delivery. The Program Manager is the hub that touches every aspect of the program, ensuring that participants, instructors, materials, assessments, buses, and all supplies make it to the site of the program. Participants Field Experiences Program Manager Copy Center Materials Agency/ Client Contracting Venue, Books Instructors, Assessments, Buses, etc Venue Bedrooms Classroom Food

7 Custom Programs – Program Managers’ Checklist –for Programs at FEI
Set-up program file on O: drive Communicate with client to obtain list of participants and addresses Create or update Program Overview Communicate with participants send assessment info (if needed) Confirm bedrooms and classrooms with Aramark Contact faculty for classroom needs and materials. to participants: Overview Registration Reply form Assessment information Pre-reads or materials (sometimes sent by mail) Purchase orders for: Faculty Books/supplies/assessments Buses Tickets for field trip Work with Aramark on food, bedrooms, security, etc. Work with WorkSource on bedroom needs. Assemble notebook/handout material and send to copy center. Setup classroom, check AV, monitor during program. Set up computers with link to evaluation Program Managers work with the client to gather information on the participants. s are sent to the participants requesting contact information, providing logistical information, pre-readings and information about assessments. Programs at FEI are coordinated with Aramark, WorkSource and AV.

8 Custom Programs – Program Managers – Checklist for Off Site Program – Agency Classroom
Contact Agency for participant names/ addresses, and location of the program Set-up program file on O: drive Set up assessments (if needed) Create or update Program Overview Budget from AM Contact faculty for room set, AV needs, pre-reads, notebook materials Purchase Orders Order books/supplies Order buses Order tickets for field trip Contact participants with location information, assessment needs (Benchmarks needs at least 4 weeks), welcome information. Welcome , includes location, pre-reads, assessment info, etc. Work with agency contact on room sets, AV Request notebook information from the faculty/instructors.  Collect and assemble notebook/handout material/posters  Notebook to Copy Center Prepare nametags/tents for participants Ship all materials to agency, including notepads, pens, notebooks  Prepare evaluations and send link to client and /or participants Programs held off campus have unique characteristics. If a program is held at an Agency training room, the PM works with the Agency on classroom set up, AV needs, provides name tents and/or name tags, notebook (and other materials). The instructor usually delivers the program without FEI onsite support. These venues rarely provide the FEI Experience and we must work hard to brand the program.

9 Custom Programs – Program Managers – Checklist for Off Site Program – Hotel/Conference Center
Set-up program file on O: drive Set up assessments (if needed) Create or update Program Overview From budget, prepare SOW and Purchase Requests for conference facility Contact participants with location information, assessment needs (Benchmarks needs at least 4 weeks), welcome information. Confirm faculty and check on lodging needs. Welcome to participants Work with hotel on Banquet Orders (food, room sets, AV) Request notebook information from the faculty/instructors.  Purchase Orders Order books/supplies Order buses Order tickets for field trip Assemble notebook/handout material/posters Notebook and materials to Copy Center Prepare nametags /name tents for faculty, participants and guests Data Demo Forms for Participants Prepare certificates (if appropriate) Finalize class roster to distribute (if class is in Charlottesville, make corrections to SABA and distribute later on in the program  Set-up classroom: notepads, pens, notebooks & journals Greet participants – distribute location and schedule information.  Prepare evaluations and distribute link to participants Use Data Demographics forms to update SABA  Shred data demographics forms and emergency forms If a program is held at a hotel or conference center, the PM works with the hotel’s Event Coordinator to ensure the classroom is set up properly, the AV equipment is adequate, the food is healthy and appropriate for our client. Providing the FEI Experience involves seeing to the needs of our participants and our instructors, to deliver the best we have to offer. Most of these are complex programs and having an onsite PM provides much needed support.

10 Custom Programs – Program Managers - Assessments
Set up assessments online When assessments are used, the PM is responsible for setting up, monitoring and working with the participants to ensure the assessment is completed and timely. The PM prints the assessments and distributes them to the instructor who then distributes the results to the participant on site. Assessment info sent to participants PM monitors assessements and sends reminders Print assessments and send to instructor Instructor distributes to participants

11 AV staff No bedrooms needed Registration for Bedrooms AV equipment
Custom Programs- Program Managers – Venues Venue The choice of venue is very important to the success of the program. Many times agencies have programs in their own buildings where FEI haslittle control of the room set up or available AV equipment. Programs at FEI or at hotels allow us to present materials in an “executive” way. Food, break service, comfortable seating help to provide an executive feel to what is being presented. We call it the FEI Experience. Custom PM’s try to replicate that experience whenever and however possible on the road. The presence of a PM at complex programs is very important to the success of the program. Agency Training Room Hotel/Conference Center PM works with Event Staff on classroom, food, etc. FEI Client provides food, classroom and AV Aramark Food, classroom setups and Security AV staff No bedrooms needed Worksource bedroom maintenance Registration for Bedrooms Less networking opportunities AV equipment

12 Custom Programs – Program Managers - Evaluations
PMs provide data for entry into MTM/KA Metrics that Matter (MTM)/ Knowledge Advisors is our evaluation system. One PM is responsible for setting up evaluations. PMs provide overviews, instructor names, number of participant, location, etc to for setup. MTM produces a link to the online evaluation that is sent to the PM’s for distribution to participants. Evaluation created Link sent to PMs for distribution Reports distributed to FEI, instructors and client Crystal Rollyson puts completed evaluations on O: drive Analyze KA Reports

13 Custom Programs – Post Program Quality Assurance
AM contacts agency POC for feedback Program feedback Add notes to 0: drive AM contacts faculty for feedback Feedback on the success of the program is critical to future program planning. The AM contacts the faculty, the agency contact, and reads participant evaluations to get a 360° view of the programs impact, successes and helps to evaluate what didn’t go well. Thank you sent to POC by AM Analyze KA Reports PMs send report to Agency POC

14 Custom Programs – After Action Review
OPM Pre-program Revenues There are many steps during this process that require quality checks. For example: Customer satisfaction Curriculum Development Venues Funding Processes Procurement Processes Data on Faculty-Evaluation Process Post program accounting processes Some QA practices have been in place for some time, but many others need to be developed to help track the success of the program. Evaluations Venues Quality Assurance Data Collection/ analysis for Faculty Venue Program Budgets Accounts Receivable – Post Program Lessons Learned

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