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Development Perspectives : Changing Paradism and Priorities. Talk

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1 Development Perspectives : Changing Paradism and Priorities. Talk
Development Perspectives : Changing Paradism and Priorities Talk Presented by Deependra B Kshetry at a Training Program Organised by NASC rd Baisakh, 2076

2 Scheme of Presentation
Meaning of Development, growth and Prosperity Policy processes and Major Objectives Modalities of Policy Adoption and Necessary Changes Constraints to Smooth functioning of development Projects - Generalisation and Recommendations

3 Meaning of Development, Growth and Prosperity
Process by which a nation improves the economic, political and social wellbeing of its people is devp. Affirmative socio-economic and political change accepted normally by stakeholders is devp. -Growth is ‘ increase in the real national product or output overtime’ -Outcome of the devp. be at the access of the population and resources spared for future generation too

4 Meaning of……….continued
W.W Rostow sets stages of growth as: Primitive Stage- almost a barter economy Precondition for take off and take off Drive to maturity High mass consumption

5 Policy processes and Major Objectives
Planning a tool to achieve development Time setting, fixing objectives and finding resources Consultation with stakeholders finalizing the approach paper Preparing the final document for cabinet approval

6 Policy processes….. continued
Poverty reduction Inclusive development- geographic, gender, ethnicity etc. Graduate from LDC to a developing country by 2022 A.D Attaining middle income level country by 2030 A.D

7 Policy Adopted to Accelerate Development
Empowering through Federal structure- legislative, judiciary and development Clear demarcation among different tiers of govt. grants- equalization. Conditional and special grant Priority setting-( p-1 – p3), projects of national pride Multi year projects of special priority

8 Policy Changes Constitutional deadline for budget presentation
Instantaneous power delegation to operate budget by finance secretary No program required to be approved again once budget is passed Minor project incorporated into part 2 of NPC document to be handed over to local bodies

9 Annual Budget and Performance
Misnomer regarding resource constraint Medium Term Budgetary Framework Budget ceiling fixed by the resource committee- revenue, external sources and internal borrowings Trends of capital and regular budget expenditure

10 Constraints to Smooth functioning of Projects
Administrative Hassles: No Trained cadres, frequent transfer of staff, cronyism Monitoring of projects weak, whatever directions given not followed in completely Accountability at low profile Uncertain reward and punishment system

11 Constraint ………continued
. Technical and Financial Hassles Delegation of budget operation authority spread over many tiers Underfinancing of projects and low good governance Lack of well designed and clearly defined projects Time and cost escalation no one’s responsibility

12 Generalization and Recommendations
Huge national loss due to mismanagement and lack of accountability Well defined projects articulating the responsibility of particular government under federalism Vigilance on quality , time and resource management by a high powered agency Reward and punishment together with the accountability assigned

13 Thank you

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