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Chemical Bonding – Naming & Drawing the bond

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1 Chemical Bonding – Naming & Drawing the bond
Chapter 13: part 2

2 3 Types of Bonds 1. Ionic Bond – _________ valence electrons
2. Covalent Bond – _________ valence electrons 3. _________ Bond – the attraction between positively charged metal ions and the electrons around them.

3 Ionic Compounds Writing Ionic Compounds ( _______ + __________)
Write the metal with its’ charge Write the nonmetal with its’ charge Criss- Cross the charges Only bring down the #, NOT the charge Examples: Sodium and Chlorine Barium and Chlorine Potassium and Oxygen Litium and Sulfer

4 Ionic Compounds Naming Ionic Compounds Examples:
Name of Metal + nonmetal w/ ending –ide Examples: Sodium and Chlorine Barium and Fluorine Potassium and Oxygen Lithium and Sulfur

5 Covalent Compounds Simple Covalent Compounds
When found in nature as pure elements, these seven elements exist only as two atoms covalently bonded. H2 O2 N2 Cl2 Br2 I2 F2 7 N 8 O 9 F 19 Cl 35 Br 53 I 1 H

6 Covalent Compounds How to draw covalent molecules: using electron dot diagrams Write the symbol of the element and place one dot around the symbol for every valence electron in the atom. Examples: Carbon Oxygen Krypton Hydrogen

7 Covalent Compounds 2. Combine the elements where they can share electrons so each have a full outer shell. (The shared electrons are the covalent bond) Examples: Hydrogen + Chlorine Fluorine + Fluorine Water Oxygen + Oxygen

8 Covalent Compounds Naming Covalent Compounds Prefixes Rules:
One = _____ Two = _____ Three = _____ Four = _____ Five = _____ Six = _____ Seven = _____ Eight= _____ Nine = _____ Ten = _____ Rules: Prefix + name Prefix + name –ide Rule: Do NOT use mono- on the first element Examples: CO CO2 C2H4 P2O5 N3P6

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