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Warm-Up 11/12/14 What are the three subatomic particles?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up 11/12/14 What are the three subatomic particles?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up 11/12/14 What are the three subatomic particles?
In isotopes of the same element, what subatomic particles are different? Look up the definition of an ion. In ions of the same element, what subatomic particles are different? Checking 7 minutes after the bell.

2 Identify the change in the number of subatomic particles in ions.
Objective 11/12/14 Identify the change in the number of subatomic particles in ions. Agenda 11/12/14 Review Isotopes Ions Independent Work Time

3 Need to come by during lunch time to complete lab.
Flame Test Lab Absent? Need to come by during lunch time to complete lab. By the end of the day today (Wednesday), the set up for the Flame Test will be cleaned.

4 Extra Credit Benchmark Absent Monday? Option to take it.

5 Warm-Up 11/12/14 What are the three subatomic particles?
In isotopes of the same element, what subatomic particles are different? Look up the definition of an ion. In ions of the same element, what subatomic particles are different? Checking 7 minutes after the bell.

6 Isotopes How many protons are in each of these isotopes?
How many neutrons are in each of these isotopes?

7 How many protons are in each ion?
Ions How many protons are in each ion? How many electrons are in each ion?

8 Review Part 1: Isotopes first
Independent Work Time Review Part 1: Isotopes first

9 Isotope/Ion Worksheet
Homework Isotope/Ion Worksheet Quiz Friday Be able to identify the element symbols to their names up to krypton (Kr) Tutoring Rm. 402 – 4th Period Rm. 404 – 5th Period

10 Post-Lab Questions (separate sheet)
Look up the definition of a cation. What imbalance of subatomic particles produce a cation? Identify the cations in the two unknowns that you picked. Compare your results with another group. What possible errors could have occurred to get different results?

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