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Chapter 10 Section 4 Notes March 8 2017.

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1 Chapter 10 Section 4 Notes March

2 Inventions Make Life Easier
In late 1700’s and early 1800’s coal and steam drove early machines Gasoline will become a viable energy source (which will make what possible?) Electricity will be another new kind of energy In 1870 the electric generator was produced to power machinery

3 Edison the Inventor Thomas Edison will paten more than 1,000 inventions. Light bulb and phonograph. Will create and own a research laboratory in New Jersey. This idea of a laboratory will lead to the expansion of other inventions.

4 Bell and Marconi Alexander Graham Bell will invent the telephone.
Guglielmo Marconi used theoretical discoveries electromagnetic waves to create the first radio in 1895. This was important because it sent messages (through Morse code) through the air without the use of wires.

5 Ford Sparks the Automobile
In 1800’s German engineers made cars that ran on gasoline but they were inefficient and expensive. Henry Ford (an American) decided to make cars that were affordable for most people Did so using interchangeable parts Also created the assembly line

6 Entire Model T car could be assembled in less than 2 hours
In 1908 each car sold for $850 Will drop eventually to $300 due to lower production costs By 1916 more than 3.5 million cars were being driven

7 New Ideas in Medicine Learned that germs caused diseased and could be located in many items in life. By applying heat to some products one could kill the germs in said product. (unpasteurized milk) The medical field will become cleaner than ever before. Vaccines will be developed to fight common diseases of the time.

8 New Ideas in Science Charles Darwin’s evolution theory vs. creationism

9 Mendel and Genetics Gregor Mendel will discover that traits are passed down from one generation to another. Each trait carrying its own unique genetic sequence. Will be the father of genetics.

10 Advances in Chemistry and Physics
John Dalton discovered that all matter is made up of atoms Dmitri will come up with the periodic table of elements Madam Curie will discover the use of radiation treatments and their benefit to science

11 Social Sciences Explore Behavior
Psychology- the study of the human mind and behavior Ivan Pavlov believed that human actions were often unconscious reactions to experiences and could be changed by training. Sigmund Freud- founded psychoanalysis. Believed that the mind was beyond conscious control.

12 The Rise of Mass Culture
The appeal of art, writing, music, and other forms of entertainment to mass audiences. Usually these things were subject only to the wealthy classes. Why is this changing? Sports will start to become a pass time activity to society (soccer, cricket, The Olympics in 1896)

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