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Welcome to Objective 2 programme Vorarlberg Austria

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1 Welcome to Objective 2 programme Vorarlberg Austria
06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

2 1. Introduction The European Commission will actively participate in the development of the Vorarlberg region by co-financingthe Objective 2 programme for the area during The region is located in the western most part of Austria bordering Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. During the previous period the region was covered under the Objectives 2 and 5(b). The total cost of the programme is EUR 153 million, of which EUR 22.7 million will be provided by the EU Structural Funds. 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

3 1.2 The Map of the eligible area
06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

4 1.3 Description of the eligible area
Located in the westernmost part of Austria, Vorarlberg is the second smallest region in Austria. The portion of the region eligible under Objective 2 for the programming period includes a population of Although Vorarlberg is one of Austria's strongest regional economies, it has a GDP per capita of 110%, there are considerable disparities between the more urban and the more rural and mountainous areas. The industrial sector continues to play an important role in the regional economy and employs about 40% of the labour force. The service sector employs 57% of the labour force but is far below the national and EU-average. Agriculture plays a minor role in the overall regional economy but remains quite important in rural areas. 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

5 1.3 Description of the eligible area
In contrast with the rest of the region, the Objective 2 area is made up of small business employing 6 people on average. Two-thirds of companies have fewer than 6 employees. There is no university in the area, training facilities are almost all located outside the area and R&D is lagging. Two sectors, tourism and timber processing, are especially affected by a shortage of skilled staff. The unemployment rate (4.2%) in the Vorarlberg region is below the national average (4.8%). The region has the lowest proportion of women in active employment in the country. Due to the limited number of jobs available in the rural areas more than half of the labour force has to commute. 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

6 GDP/head Empl.% of total, 1999 Unempl. rate%
1.4 Main regional indicators in EU and Austria Source: EC: Second report on Economic and Social Cohesion, Volume 2, Jan 2001 Economy Labour market GDP/head Empl.% of total, 1999 Unempl. rate% Agri Indust. Servi EU ,0 100,0 4,5 29,2 66,0 8,4 9,4 Österreich 102,2 111,7 6,2 29,8 64,0 3,1 4,0 Burgenland 61,1 68,8 6,3 34,3 59,5 3,5 3,3 N-österreich 84,4 91,4 10,1 29,5 60,5 2,7 3,1 Wien 152,0 162,8 0,8 22,8 76,4 5,3 5,9 Kärnten 80,9 91,6 7,8 30,6 61,6 3,2 4,7 Steiermark 78,6 90,1 8,5 33,8 57,7 3,2 4,1 O-österreich 97,8 104,9 8,3 34,9 56,9 2,4 2,7 Salzburg 115,7 124,8 4,9 26,5 68,6 2,0 3,4 Tirol 102,0 113,4 4,8 24,3 70,9 2,0 4,7 Vorarlberg 105,3 111,8 2,0 41,2 56,8 1,5 3,5 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

7 2. Development strategy The Objective 2 programme aims to:
achieve sustainable development with improved standards of living, promote a dynamic, internationally competitive business structure, promote long-term employment. 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

8 2. Development strategy The programme sets out a broad range of strategies in the following areas: transport, infrastructure, environment and energy, R&D, innovation, telecommunications, regional cooperation projects, sustainable enterprises in a competitive region, promoting employment, equal opportunities. 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

9 2. Development strategy To implement the above strategies the programme sets out two main priorities: 1. promoting sustainable enterprises, 2. developing a competitive region. 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

10 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact
Priority 1. Developing sustainable enterprises: Structural Funds: EUR Total public funding: EUR Total volume: EUR (ERDF: 52.3% of total EU contribution), 3 measures: 1. Investments strengthening the regional economic structure 2. R&D 3. Environmental investments 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

11 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact
Priority 2. Developing competitive regions: Structural Funds: EUR Total public funding: EUR Total volume: EUR (ERDF: 45.7% of total EU contribution), 3 measures: 1. Improving regional infrastructure, 2. Improving conditions for women in active employment, 3. Strengthening regional and local co-operation 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

12 3. Priorities, measures and expected impact
Priority 3. Technical assistance: Structural Funds: EUR Total public funding: EUR Total volume: EUR (ERDF: 2.0% of total EU contribution), 2 measures: 1. Technical assistance in the narrow sense 2. Other expenditure in the context of technical assistance 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

13 4. Management and contact information The Office of the Vorarlberg Regional Government (Amt der Vorarlberg Landesregierung) has been designated as the Managing Authority responsible for the overall coordination of the programme. The Austrian Regional Planning Conference (ÖROK: Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz) will act as the secretariat for both Objective 1 and 2 programmes. The Monitoring Committee will include the competent Federal ministries (as appointed by the Federal Chancellery) and implementing bodies alongside the social partners and institutions responsible for equal opportunities and sustainable development. The Ministry of Finance and the department responsible for coordinating each Fund will have overall financial responsibility for financial control. 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

14 4. Management and contact information Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung Abteilung Europaangelegenheiten und Außenbeziehungen Büchel, Martina Landhaus, A-6901 Begrenz Tel.: , Fax.: : Web: Vorarlberg Österreichischen Raumordnunskonferenz (ÖROK) Geschäftsführer Kunze, Eduard Hohenstaufengasse 3, A-1010 Wien Tel.: , Fax.: : Web: Österreichische Raumordnungkonferenz (ÖROK) 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

15 4. Management and contact information European Commission: Directorate-General Regional Policy UNIT D-3, Operations in Austria and Benelux Rue de la Loi 200, B-1040 Brussels Tel Fax Visiting address: Gerd Gratzer Building CSM1, 6/80 23, rue Pere de Deken, 1040 Brussels 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

16 5. Financial and Technical informations
Title : Objective 2 programme for Vorarlberg Intervention type : Single Programming Document CCI No. : 2000AT162DO005 No. of decision : C(2001) Final approval date : 16-MAR-01 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

17 6. Overview of monitoring indicators
The following targets have been set at programme level: reducing unemployment to below 5% (5.2% in 1999) increasing industrial production by 1.5% annually (baseline: 108.9% in 1998 measured against 1995 index [=100%) business investment of EUR 85 million to be mobilised by the end of 2006 reducing total energy consumption by 5% (presently 8 690 GWh) maintaining numbers of firms providing employment (1999: 1 189 companies in the Objective 2 area) stabilising the number of overnight stays in the tourist sector (1998/99: 7 750 600 overnight stays). 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

18 7. Financial breakdown Breakdown of Finances by priority area (in millions of Euros) Priority area Total EU Public aid cost contrib. (EC+oth.) 1 Developing sustainable enterprises 2 Developing competitive regions 3 Technical Assistance Total: Financial Breakdown by Funds (in millions of Euros) EU Contribution ERDF Total : 100.00% % 06/05/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

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