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The Stations of the Cross

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Presentation on theme: "The Stations of the Cross"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Stations of the Cross
Celebrating God’s Love and Forgiveness The Stations of the Cross

2 Developing understanding and empathy
start in circle with images of the Stations of the Cross invite discussion about each picture display key words encourage reflection using key vocabulary – compassion, empathy, forgiveness, abandonment, encourage the sharing of thoughts and feelings

3 Using driver words Recognise - talk about Retell - describe
Make links - give reasons Show understanding - multiple sources Explain distinctiveness - identify

4 If you can’t feed a hundred people
Making links If you can’t feed a hundred people then feed just one. Mother Teresa

5 Making links kindness, compassion, love

6 Making links when it is all too much

7 ‘Keep reaching out because you may pull someone out of darkness
and guide them into light’ Caroline Naoroji

8 select three images that illustrate compassion, mercy or forgiveness
create a freeze frame of those images select three areas in the room to present the three frames discusses starting points and travelling to the freeze frame images work through and refine their links and framed images

9 Bring the group together to create a whole group section to end the dance

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