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Progressive Era.

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1 Progressive Era

2 The origins of Progressivism
I. Goals of progressivism A. Protecting social welfare 1. YMCA 2. Salvation Army B. Promoting moral improvements 1. Prohibition- 2. WCTU- Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement

3 The origins of Progressivism
C. Creating economic reform 1. Laissez-faire vs Socialism 2. Muckrakers expose big business & Government D. Fostering Efficiency 1. Scientific Management- a. Ford- assembly line “$5 a day”

4 Progressive Reform II. Cleaning up government
A. Eliminating corruption B. Protecting the workers 1. Child labor laws C. Political Reform 1. Initiative- Citizens create the bill 2. Referendum- Citizens vote on the Bill 3. Recall- Citizens vote to remove officials 4. 17th Amendment- Direct election of officials

5 Women in Public III. Women in the workplace A. Farmwomen
1. Little change- cooking, cleaning, sewing 2. Farm if necessary b. Domestic Workers 1. Cooks, laundresses, maids C. Industrial workers 1. Woman worked unskilled jobs- low pay/ long hours

6 Teddy as President III. Increasing Federal Power
A. Teddy’s Square Deal “The Trust Buster” Big business should be regulated... not destroyed Protecting Citizens Meat Inspection Act- Pure Food and Drug Act- 3. Environmental Protection National Parks (Yosemite) Preservation vs Conservation

7 Progressivism under Taft
IV. Taft is elected and goes against Teddy’s conservative agenda A. The Republic Party Splits 1. Taft Vs Bull Moose Party B. Election of 1912 1. With conservatives split, Democrats take office C. Woodrow Wilson wins election

8 Wilson’s New Freedom V. Wilson’s vision of progressivism
A. Clayton Antitrust Act- 1. Anti-monopoly 2. Owners could no longer hide behind their corporations B. Federal Trade Commission- 1. investigate big business violations C. Federal Income Tax 1. Graduated Tax- D. Federal Reserve- Made borrowing $ easier

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