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Presentation ESF Evaluation Partnership on 15 June 2012

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1 Presentation ESF Evaluation Partnership on 15 June 2012
An on-going evaluation of ESF programs for the support of low-skilled workers and reintegration of people with great distance to the labour market in the Netherlands Presentation ESF Evaluation Partnership on 15 June 2012

2 Background Research targets Research design Research results a. analysis of the problem b. reasons for failure and success c. forecasts d. recommendations Follow up

3 Background Reason : signals from monitoring of non realisation of targets Action A: support entrance labour market for people with great distance to the labour market 3 groups: elderly unemployed (<55), partially disabled unemployed, unemployed without social benefits Budget: euro Subsidy Applicants: Municipalities Action D: support low skilled workers Budget: euro Subsidy Applicants: Education & development funds for economical sectors

4 Research targets Overview of results up till now
A forecast if targets will be reached Analysis of causes why some targets are not met and others are met? Recommendations

5 Research design fase fasefase methods Context analyses deskresearchs
(policy)documents, interviews stakeholders context interviews OOverview results Overview results Quantitative datacollection document and data-analyses Qualititative analyses In depth interviews Explanations Extrapolation results to Estimate of output, results, impact Forecasts

6 Analysis of the problem
Output indicators (number of participants) are met, but result indicators (finished trajects, sustainable jobs and necessary education levels) are only partially met. Action A : entrance to labour market of people far from labour market The subsidy applications stays behind the budget The declared subsidy stays behind the granted subsidy Action D: support low skilled workers The demand exceeded the budget The declared subsidy stays behind the granted subsidy Paid subsidy versus granted subsidy Action A Action D

7 Reasons of failure and success
Action A entrance labour market of people with great distance reasons of failure low amount of applications municipalities had enough budget for reintegration the minimum subsidy for each group was to high for small municipalities the negative image of ESF: high administrative burden with high risks low results groups are difficult to reach subsidy applications too high in order minimize risk for municipalities esf-project ends while re-integration goes on reasons of success ESF makes it possible to enlarge projects (more participants), to enrich projects (lower caseload) , to try out new methods in existing projects

8 Reasons of failure and success
Action D support of low skilled workers Reasons of failure low results: projects are a success but funds cannot fulfil the administrative regulations Reasons of success - high amount of applications - experience with esf procedures temporary law of part-time unemployment.

9 Forecast indicator expected score target Output
A. Participants action A 28.380 D. Participants action D Results A. Completed re-integration traject 88% 75% A. Accepting jobs 14% 8% D. Completed education traject 87% 85-90 % D. Number of participants on suitable education level 10%

10 Recommendations Improve
Improve communications and relation with subsidy applications Set more importance to qualitative criteria and results of the past Promote experience with ESF Diminish risks for applicants

11 Follow up More applications for action A - more information to municipalities - allow other applicants (national office , education and development funds) additional periods for applications - simplification of the applications rules (lower minimum subsidy and for all tree groups together) Higher realisations action A and D - support in administrative procedures when determine budget take in to account that not all granted subsidy will in the end be paid.

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