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The Power of Parity European Parliament | 9 July 2018

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1 The Power of Parity European Parliament | 9 July 2018
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Any use of this material without specific permission of McKinsey & Company is strictly prohibited

2 Closing the gender gap globally could deliver up to $28 trillion of additional GDP in 2025
2015 Full-potential scenario $28 trillion Best-in-region scenario $12 trillion 11% increase in global GDP from women matching men in three key areas from more women participating in the workforce ~60% 1 ~20% 2 from women working in more productive sectors ~20% from women working ~30 min/day more, or with flexibility to balance the full time / part time mix 3 Western Europe Full-potential: $5.1 trillion (+23%) Best in region: $2.1 trillion (+9%) SOURCE: McKinsey, Power of Parity (2015)

3 Sector productivity, GVA
To achieve parity women will need to be able to move into more productive sectors and higher paid jobs Associated Professional/Technical Managers, Directors and Senior Officials Professional Administrative and Secretarial Skilled Trades Caring, Leisure and Other Services Sales and Customer Service Process/Plant/ Machine Operatives Elementary occupations Low High Mostly male female Near parity Occupational skill & pay level, £000s Sector productivity, GVA Energy/ Water Agriculture/ Fishing Public Admin/ Education/ Health Other Services Manufac-turing Construction Banking/ Finance/ Insurance Distribution/ Hotels/ Restaurants Transport/ Comm-unication High Low

4 The public and private sectors must act decisively across six areas to address the factors contributing to gender inequality Effective action across these areas alone would move more than 75% of women affected by gender inequality globally closer to parity Targeted, comprehensive, and sustained interventions: Public sector Private sector 1 2 3 4 5 6 Offer incentives and support Provide technology and infrastructure Create economic opportunities Build capabilities Engage in advocacy and shape attitudes Implement laws, policies, and regulations SOURCE: McKinsey, Power of Parity (2015)

5 The positive business case for women on executive teams is clear
Increased likelihood of financial outperformance (2017) In our 2017 dataset of companies, the link between profitability and diversity on executive teams was stronger than previously found 21% Profitability1 27% Value creation2 Difference between 1st and 4th quartile likelihood of financial performance1 above national industry median Percent 1 Average EBIT margin, 2 Average economic profit SOURCE: McKinsey “Delivering Through Diversity” (2018)

6 Final thoughts Sizeable progress towards closing gender pay gap achievable by increasing representation of women in more productive areas of the economy, and in senior decision-making roles Scope to enhance legislative and transparency initiatives with articulation of the growth opportunity for businesses and other stakeholders The future of work will be reshaped by technology, presenting opportunities (e.g., facilitating agile working) and risks for gender diversity and therefore the gender pay gap


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