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Acrimonious – Sinister

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1 Acrimonious – Sinister
Vocab Unit #6 9 Honors Acrimonious – Sinister

2 Acrimonious Adj Full of spite; bitter Synonym: nasty The acrimonious fight reduced Emily to tears.

3 Antithesis N The direct opposite Synonym: a contrast
Even though Alex and Allie are identical twins, they are the complete antithesis of the other; one is quiet and shy, while the other is loud and outgoing.

4 Belittle V To put someone down Synonym: to insult
The man belittled the customer until the customer chose to take her business to another store.

5 Chronic Adj Constant, lasting a long time Synonym: persistent
Allen’s chronic back pain caused him to finally go to see a doctor to discuss treatment options.

6 Contingent Adj Dependent; possible Synonym: resting on
My decision will be contingent on how well the applicants present the information during the interview.

7 Despot N An absolute ruler Synonym: a dictator
Mark’s boss was a despot; if you disagreed with her decisions, you were immediately fired.

8 Ephemeral Adj Lasting for a short amount of time Synonym: fleeting
Designers often hope that clothing trends are not simply ephemeral trends so that customers will buy their items for years to come.

9 Flaunt V To show off Synonym: to display
The billionaire flaunted his great wealth by buying a different car for each day of the month.

10 Imperial Adj Like an emperor Synonym: regal
England was once considered an imperial nation, but since the decline of the British Empire, it can no longer be considered as such.

11 Irascible Adj Easily angered or provoked Synonym: quick-tempered The irascible student lost his temper over the smallest of issues.

12 Mentor N An experienced person who shows an inexperienced person how to manage a new situation Synonym: teacher; coach Maura was extremely fortunate to have a wonderful mentor her first year in the business world. .

13 Paltry Adj Insignificant Synonym: worthless
Ellie was so excited to get her first job; however, after taxes, the amount of money she truly took home was quite paltry.

14 Polemic N A powerful argument often made to attack or refute a controversial issue Synonym: a tirade The book was a convincing polemic that revealed the fraudulent decisions of the major corporation.

15 Relegate V To banish; to send away Synonym: to lower The newest member of the department was relegated to the smallest office on the floor.

16 Sinister Adj Evil; wicked Synonym: menacing The sinister smile on my sister’s face scared me when I first walked in the door.

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