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Midterm Samples Software products consist of developed programs and associated documentation. Essential product attributes are Maintainability Dependability.

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Samples Software products consist of developed programs and associated documentation. Essential product attributes are Maintainability Dependability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm Samples Software products consist of developed programs and associated documentation. Essential product attributes are Maintainability Dependability Efficiency Usability Please describe, for each one of these attributes, why they are essential. Include an example to support your observations.

2 Midterm Examples Please describe the waterfall system development life cycle. When is it appropriate to use this model When is it inappropriate to use this model Please describe the Evolutionary SDLC. Please describe the Spiral SDLC Please tell me why it is better to use SDLC’s Which SDLC is the best one over all.

3 Midterm Examples Why is it important to be committed to quality? What can happen if one is not committed to quality? How can you assure you are developing for quality? How do you determine that your product is of the highest quality? What is the number one reason for software failing to be delivered on time and within the estimated cost? What is the number two? What steps can we as responsible software engineers take to ensure we reverse this trend and deliver our products on time, within budget, and at the highest quality.

4 Midterm Examples We said it is important to pay attention to details and get it right the first time. (Remember the cost of my 50cent outlet was really millions vs the space shuttle). Please describe why it is so important to do this even for minor issues. Please analyze the following graph Cost of Change – errors enhancement Analysis Design Develop Test / Imp Maint

5 Midterm Examples Given N(N-1)/2 formula for demonstrating the need for organizational structure with regards to teams and communication. By plugging in the following team sizes of 5,9, 100, we are given some interesting results. What are those results for each number What can we as project managers conclude form them Whet practical solution would be appropriate to deal with those “interesting results”

6 Midterm Example Your company has just been approached to bid on an application that has great potential for your company and for you personally. You know that you will be awarded the copyrights to the product and will earn a royalty for each time a copy is made. Your wildest dreams have come true, you will be so successful that you can hire Bill Gates to mow your lawn every week. Now you have to compete with others to be awarded this project. You must give an extremely accurate cost and time estimate. You will also have to explain to your potential client how you based your bid. If you win the project and fail to deliver on time and within cost, you will be forced to flip burgers for the rest of your productive life. Understanding the risk, you are given very accurate requirements and have a clear understanding of the scope of the project. Although most of the project is similar to others you have done, there are some unique aspect to it. The customer has taken great pains to provide a complete picture of the project to everyone bidding for the last several months. I am the customer How will you prove your bid’s accuracy, (time, cost, recourses) Identify 10 potential risk, how you would mitigate them.

7 Your company has committed $3million to a software project
Your company has committed $3million to a software project. This project was contracted for a term of 3.75 years and you are now starting the fourth year. Please address each of these issues Your company’s president, your boss, your peers, and even the janitor is pressuring you to get the project done. Your boss has given the Upper Management and the customer a promised delivery date for this project. You know that this date is too soon if you are to develop the project to the standard required. You know that there needs to be more analyst and design work to be done but it has only to do with minor issues as far as you can tell. You also know that some other developers have released modules that have not been tested completely if at all. These modules communicate with yours and could impact on your system negatively. Your boss is difficult t o get along with, especially if you challenge him, you know that his promise, was a serious issue to you and the success of the organization, but you have some possible solutions to help make a disastrous situation positive. Your Boss isn’t totally unreasonable though, he has committed 10 more developers to you to help expedite your delivery date Your company has learned that its major competitor is about to release a package that will directly compete with your project and it should be out in less than 6 months. Your customer and future customers feel that they need the SW now in order for them to compete in their market. They are looking seriously at the competitors product to meet their needs and suing you for malpractice and losses due to the lateness of the project. If you loose the project the organization will go out of business. Your reputation will be ruined and you will be unable to work in the software industry again. There are 1500 people employed in your organization and there will be many families that will loose there homes, Children's education funds and retirements Identify 10 risk and how your going to mitigate them

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