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DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry

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1 DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry
Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Art. 12 assessment European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit Marine Directors meeting 5 December 2013

2 Context Member states reported (Oct 2012 – April 2013) the Initial Assessment of the state of their marine waters (art 8), the definition of Good Environmental Status (art 9) and set environmental targets (art 10) to achieve by 2020 Commission assessed whether the elements notified meet the requirements of the Directive and consider coherence within and across (sub)regions (art 12) DG ENV

3 Article 12 progress in 2013 Questionnaire template and criteria for assessment developed Reports/reporting sheets from 20 MS on Art. 8, 9 & 10 received by 30th April 2013 are assessed Consultant assessments: results in summary report per MS (in English) results in summary report per marine region Now: COM is finalizing its Art. 12 report

4 Deliverables (1) Report with main conclusions, recommendations and proposed way forward (12 page document to be translated) Commission Staff Working Document with more detailed analysis per descriptor, article and region on performance of MS and region, plus conclusions per descriptor and article.

5 Deliverables (2) Annexes with:
Fact sheet highlights results per MS plus recommendations Summary of the assessment per region Assessment criteria used In addition: making available Questionnaire template and consultant summary reports (MS and region)

6 DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry
Article 12 timelines (1) Consultant summary report without assessment for information sent to MS 28/29 Nov. Dec.2013: finalisation of draft COM Art. 12 report Main results orally presented at Marine Directors meeting in December 2013 Internal procedure and translation in early 2014 Council and Parliament are requested to take note and provide feed back

7 Article 12 timelines (2) Communication & CSWD ready for Marine Conference, 3-4 March 2014, for consultation with MS, RSC, stakeholders, etc. COM will organise review meetings with MS per marine region and individually (if needed) and decide on best way forward thereafter 2013/2014: technical in-depth assessments on selected issues by JRC and "MSFD 2012 baseline assessment" by EEA Feedback to Marine Directors in 2014

8 Who are assessed? 20 Member States are assessed
PT and UK not complete (resp. Macronesian and Gibraltar missing/too late) BG only for art 9 and 10 (reported art 8 after deadline) Not assessed now: MT, HR (reported after deadline) and PL (not reported)

9 Assessment criteria All relevant descriptors and areas were covered
The determination of Good Environmental Status (GES) was specific and quantified, making it possible to assess if it was reached or not GES definitions in the same marine region or sub region were coherent with each other The initial assessment reflected the knowledge available in the fields covered by the Directive, and allowed to set a baseline for future reference.

10 Assessment criteria (2)
Targets set reflected the findings of the initial assessment, and the GES definition, allowing to realistically reach it by 2020, Member States took into account existing EU regulations and policies relevant to the marine environment as well as the relevant standards set in Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs) when no EU standard was available

11 % of MS which have set MSY levels

12 Determination of GES for eutrophication

13 Different targets for Marine Litter

14 Applied method for analysis of the cost of degradation


16 Coherence art 8, 9 and 10 DG ENV

17 DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry
Follow up To increase adequacy: Revision of the Commission Decision 2010/477 on GES To improve coherence: strengthen the role of Regional Seas Conventions Advice to incorporate data/knowledge gaps in monitoring programmes Advice to review targets and relate them to (coordinated) programmes of measures To support MS through tailor made projects

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