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1 Revolution

2 Declaration of Independence
Taxes Revolutionary War Famous People Laws Declaration of Independence Grab Bag

3 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 Taxes Famous People The Declaration War
Laws Grab Bag $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000

4 Taxes (200) This law placed a tax on playing cards, newspapers, and legal documents. Stamp Act

5 This law taxed items such as lead, glass, and paint.
Taxes (400) This law taxed items such as lead, glass, and paint. Townshend Act

6 The Tea Act passed in this year.
Taxes (600) The Tea Act passed in this year. 1773

7 Taxes (800) This document, written in 1215, forced the King to get permission before raising taxes. Magna Carta

8 Taxes (1000) The debt left over from this event forced the British to tax the American colonists. French & Indian War

9 Famous People (200) Congress named him commander of the Continental Army. George Washington

10 Famous People (400) These two cousins were leaders of the Sons of Liberty. Sam & John Adams

11 He was the first delegate to sign the Declaration of Independence.
Famous People (600) He was the first delegate to sign the Declaration of Independence. John Hancock

12 Famous People (800) Daily Double
Washington defeated this British general at the Battle of Yorktown to end the American Revolution. Gen. Cornwallis

13 Famous People (1000) His pamphlet “Common Sense” advocated independence from England. Thomas Paine

14 This city became the capital for loyalists.
Grab Bag (200) This city became the capital for loyalists. New York

15 Grab Bag (1000) The Second Continental Congress sent this letter to the King, asking him to repeal the Intolerable Acts. Olive Branch Petition

16 Grab Bag (600) His depiction of the Boston Massacre made many colonists angry at the British. Paul Revere

17 Grab Bag (800) This was the only colony not represented at the First Continental Congress in 1774. Georgia

18 Grab Bag (400) These German mercenaries were hired by the British to fight against the Americans. Hessians

19 Declaration (200) This Virginia farmer wrote the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson

20 This was the city in which the Declaration was signed.

21 Declaration (600) Delegates from these two colonies refused to sign the Declaration unless a section condemning slavery was removed. Georgia & South Carolina

22 Declaration (800) Daily Double!!
According to the Declaration, this is where a government gets its authority. The People

23 Declaration (1000) According to the Declaration, what “unalienable rights” do all men have? Life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness

24 Revolution (200) The British won the battle for this hill, which gave them control of Boston Harbor. Bunker Hill

25 Revolution (400) In 1770, British soldiers killed 5 colonial protesters in what came to be known as…. The Boston Massacre

26 This treaty officially ended the American Revolution in 1783.
Treaty of Paris

27 The Continental Army spent a long, cold winter here in 1777-1778.
Revolution (800) The Continental Army spent a long, cold winter here in Valley Forge

28 Revolution (1000) An American victory in this battle convinced the French to join the war. Saratoga

29 Laws (200) This law was supposed to keep colonists east of the Appalachians. Proclamation of 1763

30 Laws (400) Parliament taxed these two sweet products in 1764.
Sugar & molasses

31 Laws (600) Even Parliament knew this law was no good because it was repealed in 1766. Stamp Act

32 Laws (800) This law forced colonists to house and feed English soldiers. Quartering Act

33 Laws (1000) These four laws made up the Intolerable Acts passed in 1774. Quartering Act, closing of Boston Harbor, trials in England, suspension of town meetings

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