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Compare and Contrast Paragraphs

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Presentation on theme: "Compare and Contrast Paragraphs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare and Contrast Paragraphs

2 What is the Purpose? To contemplate the relationship between two things by focusing on either: Similarities Differences

3 Comparison Paragraph Focus on similarities between the two topics
Unity: choose logical topics to compare discuss only similarities Coherence: Create with transitions and word usage that indicate meaning Decide on organization method

4 Contrast Paragraph Focus on differences between the two topics Unity:
choose logical topics to contrast discuss only differences Coherence: Create with transitions and word usage that indicate meaning Decide on organization method

5 Compare & Contrast Paragraph
So…this would involve both similarities & differences in the same piece of writing! Take your time starting, then: Brainstorm Organize Outline Start your first draft…

6 Your Assignment: Compare and contrast the, “Stickboy” opera with the poem, “Remember Me” by Ray Mather.

7 “Remember Me” a poem By: Ray Mather
By: Ray Mather

8 Coherence through Vocabulary
Words to indicate Comparison Key Words: Like Similar to Just like Be the same as Both Neither (negative similarity) Coordinators: And Transitional Words: Similarly Likewise In the same way Subordinators: Just as Words to indicate Contrast Key Words: Unlike Different from Despite Coordinators: But Yet Transitional Words: However Nevertheless In contrast On the other hand Subordinators: Although Even though While Whereas

9 Brainstorming Topic 1 Topic 2 Differences Differences Similarities
Use a Venn Diagram to discover your ideas. Topic 1 Topic 2 Differences Differences Similarities

10 Organization Methods By topic By point Topic 1 Topic 2 Point One
Point Two Point Three Topic 2 By point Point One Topic 1 Topic 2 Point Two Point Three

11 Did you ever use this hamburger one?

12 Another organizer:

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