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IEEE Presence in Asia Pacific

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1 IEEE Presence in Asia Pacific
Fanny Su Chief Executive Officer IEEE Asia-Pacific Limited

2 IEEE Asia Pacific Presence
= IEEE Offices Bangalore,Beijing,Singapore,Tokyo 5/3/2019

3 IEEE Membership By Region 31 December 2013
(4.2%) R1 to 6 – 203,357 (47.2%) R10 – 112,117 (26.0%) R1 – 35,502 R2 – 30,032 R3 – 30,652 R4 – 22,643 R5 – 28,920 R6 – 56,608 Reflecting the global nature of IEEE, R10 and R8 are now the two largest IEEE Regions IEEE Annual Statistics Section A Table 1 - IEEE Membership by Region and Grade OR Table 2 – IEEE Membership by Region – 3 year comparison, xxxx - xxxx R8 – 78,597 (18.2%) R9 – 19,067 (4.4%) TOTAL MEMBERSHIP – 429,085

4 Region 10 Membership History 1966 - 2013
as at 31st December 2013 IEEE Annual Statistics Section A Table 1 - IEEE Membership by Region and Grade OR Table 2 - IEEE Membership by Region – 3 Year Comparison, 20xx – 20xx Table 5 - IEEE Members by Grade 1963 – 20xx Region 10 was created on 1 January 1967

5 Region 10 Higher Grade vs. Student Grade 2000 - 2013
as at 31st December 2013 IEEE Annual Statistics Section A Table 1 - IEEE Membership by Region and Grade OR Table 2 - IEEE Membership by Region – 3 Year Comparison, 20xx – 20xx Table 5 - IEEE Members by Grade 1963 – 20xx 2007 was the first year that the IEEE Graduate Student member (GSM) Grade was fully implemented. From 2007 onwards, Student membership count exclude GSM.

6 Region 10 Membership 31 December 2013
IEEE Annual Statistics Section A Table 1 - IEEE Membership by Region and Grade OR Table 2 - IEEE Membership by Region – 3 Year Comparison, 20xx – 20xx Table 5 - IEEE Members by Grade 1963 – 20xx 2007 was the first year that the IEEE Graduate Student member (GSM) Grade was fully implemented. ( ) = Percent of Total Region Membership

7 2010-2012 Membership Statistics in the Asia Pacific Region

8 2010-2012 Membership Statistics - ASEAN Countries

9 Student Branch Chapters Student Branch Affinity Groups
R10 Geographic Units (GUs) as at 31st December 2012 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Sections 44 47 52 56 57 57/333 (17.1%) Sub Sections 4 5 6 9 8 10 12 21* 17 18/54 ( 33.3%) Technical Chapters 198 213 224 244 261 288 332 372 399 433 490* 491 515 550/2231 (24.6%) Affinity Groups 18 21 31 34 39 43 49 60 60/432 (13.8%) Geographic Councils 6/18 (33.3%) Student Branches 235 262 287 330 376 439 490 535 583 672 749 850 958 1061/2516 (42.1%) Student Branch Chapters 30 38 40 41 74 98 131 202 259/790 (32.7%) Student Branch Affinity Groups 1 13 29 53 119 151 182/343 (53.0%)  Total GUs 572 613 690 765 874 990 1,105 1,182 1,350 1,523 1,727 1,966/ 6,479 (30.3%) 2,193/6,717 (32.6%) IEEE Annual Statistics Section F Table 1 - Organization Unites of the IEEE, By Region * 7 Subsections had been dissolved as at 19 February 2011 by MGA Board. * 29 Chapters had been dissolved as at 19 February 2011 by MGA Board.

10 IEEE BoD Strategic Decision for IEEE Asia-Pacific Ltd Singapore is centrally located to serve the entire Asia-Pacific Region. China: 1.3 bil pop 13,250 Members 705 Volunteers 141 GUs Japan: 127 mil pop 14,384 Members 435 Volunteers 87 GUs India: 1.1 bil pop 49,521 Members 790 Volunteers 158 GUs Rest of Asia: 600 mil pop 25,379 Members 1,260 Volunteers 252 GUs Australasia: 24 mil pop 9,583 Members 540 Volunteers 108 GUs Volunteers: Ave. 5 member committee in Council, Section, Subsection, Chapter, AF (Excludes Student Branches/Chapters/AG) 5/3/2019

11 Geographic & Technical Unit Relationship
Member & Geographic Activities Board (MGAB) Region 10 Sections (57) Chapters (550) Affinity Groups(60) Sub-Sections (18) Student Branches (1,061) Council (6) SB Chapters (259) SB Affinity Groups (182) Technical Activities Board IEEE Societies Parents - WIE, Consultants, GOLD

12 Asia Pacific Customer Service Center Region 10 volunteer support
IEEE Singapore Office (IEEE Asia-Pacific 1, Fusionopolis Walk, #04-07, South Tower, Solaris, Singapore Opened 22 April 1993 Asia Pacific Customer Service Center Region 10 volunteer support ComSoc support (1995) Support staff of 2 Relocated on 1 Nov 2010 Office transitioning to global business development model Increase focus on Singapore market Evaluate opportunities in regional emerging markets Support IEEE Global Growth Strategy Support Staff of 7 1993 2013

13 Staff of 7 Singapore Office Corporate Activities Ning Hua
International Sales Jean Jennings MGA Cecelia Jankowski Helene Fung Senior Strategy Business Development Manager Keng-Lam KUAN Area Manager Singapore Office Contact Center Marianne Schmidt EAB Doug Gorham / Steve Welch Fanny Su CEO, IEEE Asia-Pacific Ltd. Contact Center Technical Specialist LEO Hwa Chiang Executive, Continuing Education Asia Pacific Ewell Tan Project/Admin Executive Freddy Lim George Leong

14 What We Do in Singapore IEEE Asia-Pacific Ltd granted Non-profit organization tax incentive scheme (NPOTI) by Singapore Economic Development Board. Tax exempt for 5 years from 1 March 2013 – 28 Feb 2018 Global Growth Strategy Business Development Emerging Markets Research & Strategy Corporate Activities Geo Unit/Volunteer Support for Region 10 Regional Membership Strategies for Asia Pac Extension of IEEE Contact Center Member Geographic Activities Continuing Education Pre-university Education HKN Honorary Society Educational Activities Asia Pacific Communications Society Office APB Volunteer/ComSoc Chapter Support ComSoc DSP/DLT Coordination Technical Activities

15 Moving Forward Asia Pacific Strategy
Transitioning to IEEE Asia-Pacific Ltd Regional Headquarters for GUs Regional Finance Corporate Activities Asia Pacific Strategy for Continuing Education Educational Activities Extension of IEEE Customer Service Center Sales & Marketing Meeting & Planning services for Asia Pacific Technical Activities

16 Thank you For Your Attention

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