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You Applied; now what?.

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Presentation on theme: "You Applied; now what?."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Applied; now what?

2 You are going to watch a video called “You’ve Applied; Now what?

3 Turn to Resource 3.1 Complete the quiz in pairs or teams.
You may need to watch the video more than once!

4 Turn to Resource 3.2 With a partner, write a definition of the key terms mentioned in the video You might need to watch the video more than once!

5 Who would you ask if you were worried about a UCAS related problem?
Turn to Resource 3.3 Use the information from the video to give some (accurate!) advice to these UCAS Applicants. Who would you ask if you were worried about a UCAS related problem?

6 Turn to Resource 3.4 Fill in the table to show which universities and courses you have chosen. What will you do if things don’t go to plan? Fill in the final table to make plans in case of an emergency! Make sure that your insurance choice has lower entry requirements than your firm choice!

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