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Proctor Training 2013-2014 NWMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Proctor Training 2013-2014 NWMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proctor Training NWMS

2 Thank You! You are greatly appreciated!

3 Purpose “additional monitors to help the test administrator assure that testing occurs fairly.” You will work with a small group or whole classroom.

4 Requirements 18 or older Not enrolled as a student in the K-12 public school system Cannot be a relative to a student in the assigned room: (children, stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces, nephew, siblings, in-law, person under proctor’s guardianship) Must attend training session

5 Responsibilities Work to ensure distractions and interruptions during the test are minimized Help ensure physical conditions in the room are appropriate: seating, lighting, temperature Make sure test security is maintained Make sure materials are appropriately distributed to each student

6 Responsibilities Ensure that administration procedures are followed
Make sure students do not share responses Make sure accommodations are given to appropriate students Assist students with emergencies such as the restroom Avoid distracting behaviors such as conversations with the administrator, reading, eating, drinking, using a cell phone or other device Report irregularities Ensure that the administrator is following the procedures specified in the guide

7 Restrictions Cannot be alone with test materials
Cannot pick up or return materials to the test coordinator Must remain in the room during the session unless a roving proctor is used Cannot eat, drink, have extended conversations, carry out personal or professional duties, use cell phones or other devices. If you need food or drink for medical reasons, we can have this approved.

8 Roving Proctors Work in no more than three classrooms that are centrally located Students will know that a roving proctor is being used Door may be left open Cannot be more than 30 students in the classrooms You will spend 10 minutes in each room and rotate

9 Sessions With Accommodations
In some sessions, a teacher may read aloud the test. In some, the computer will read aloud. Some students with multiple testing sessions will take more breaks than are regularly scheduled. Some students will use paper/pencil instead of computers and no answer sheets. Some students will be in a small group or testing individually.

10 Testing Code of Ethics Testing must be fair and ethical. We do this by: Preparation- teach the curriculum, have an appropriate setting to test Security- student confidentiality, test materials are always secure Administration- following local policies, testing everyone Scoring and Reporting- providing data to students, teachers, and parents

11 Testing Code of Ethics Cannot copy tests or materials
Cannot paraphrase directions Everyone must be trained for all tests Prepare for testing Cannot encourage students to be absent, not do their best, not report a score, modify answers, talk about the tests or use them for instruction, or fail to give accommodations Cannot explain a test question

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