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Chromebook Log In User Name: Password:

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1 Chromebook Log In User Name: Password:
Same as last year! DOB?

2 Sources of information are:
Research, Bibliography, & Work Cited Guidelines Sources of information are: Reference materials Encyclopedias Dictionaries Atlases Almanacs Books…Non-Fiction Section Textbooks from your class Websites Check domains (.com, .edu, .gov, .org)

3 Search by Keywords Keywords
A word or concept of great significance. Choose keywords carefully. The more precise keywords will get you the best results. Boolean Operators are simple words (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results.

4 Evaluate Websites Other Resources Relevance, Accuracy, & Completeness
Who wrote the Web page? What is the purpose of the Web page? When was the site created? When was the site last updated? Is it current? Why is the information useful to you? Does it give you enough information? Can the information be confirmed? Other Resources Consider the following: Videos or television documentaries Pictures, posters, artifacts Books, magazines, charts, maps Teachers, parents, librarians Public libraries, museums, colleges Databases and the internet

5 Why create a Bibliography / Work Cited Page
Protects you from plagiarism. Give credit to the author. Gives readers the sources where you obtained your information.

6 Bibliography vs. Works Cited
Do you know the difference between the two? When would you use one versus the other? A Works Cited page is a page that says all the sources you cited in your paper; in a footnote, parenthetical, etc. A bibliography is a page that cites all the sources you just referenced, but not necessarily cited.

7 In-Text Citation Author named in Parentheses (paraphrased)
Ex: For a number of Americans, however, signs of economic recovery seemed faint (Callahan 65). Author named in Text (exact author quote) Ex: Callahan stated, “the framers of the Articles of Confederation recognized the importance of acting as a unified collection of states” (43). NOTE: The parenthetical citations are before the period at the end of the sentence.

8 In-Text Citation – Cont’d
Author Unknown Ex: Tensions between British troops and the citizens in and around Boston reached such a high point by April 1775 that armed conflict broke out (“The Revolutionary War” 11). Page Number Unknown Ex: The California Highway Patrol opposes restrictions on the use of phones while driving, claiming that distracted drivers can already be prosecuted (Jacobs). Ex: According to Jacobs, the California Highway Patrol opposes restrictions on the use of phones while driving, claiming that distracted drivers can already be prosecuted.

9 In-Text Citation – Cont’d
Block Quotation Format – If you are quoting more than four lines use the following format: In most cases, use a colon to introduce the quotation. Indent the quotation one inch from the left margin Double-space the quotation. Do not use quotation marks. Place the parenthetical citation (author and page number) after the period (or other mark of punctuation) that closes the block quotation. Ex: Warren’s professional attitude gives her the courage and the clout to keep directors honest, even without years of experience on a set: For the forthcoming Jerry Bruckheimer comedy Down and Under, in which she plays a zoologist, Warren agreed to wade into a pond in the Australian outback wearing a bra and underpants, provided the tone of the scene was lighthearted and demure. But what she didn’t agree to was a scene that crept into the script after she signed on that had her hanging off a cliff in her underwear. (Griffith 112)

10 Parenthetical Citations Helpers
Landmark’s Citation Machine: Easybib Write Smart:

11 No Author? Leave Blank Insert Publisher & Copyright year Fill in the areas highlighted in red, if available

12 Bibliography/Works Cited
Single Author Author. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Medium. Callahan, Kerry P. The Articles of Confederation: A Primary Source Investigation into the Document that Preceded the U.S. Constitution. New York: Rosen, Print. Two or Three Authors Reverse the name of the first author (last name, first name) Collier, Christopher, and James Lincoln Collier. The American Revolution: New York: Benchmark, Print.

13 Bibliography/Work Cited – Cont’d
Three or more Authors If there are more than three authors, name only the first and add et al., or give all the names. Sloan, Frank A., et al. Sloan, Frank A., Emily M. Stout, Kathryn Whetten-Goldstein, and Lan Liang. NOTE: Examples of Medium are Print, eBook, Web, DVD, Television, etc.

14 Citing A Website The MLA guidelines assume that individuals will be able to locate the sources by entering certain information (i.e., title, author, etc.). Therefore, the URL is not required in the citation unless your teacher specifically wants it added, which is generally the case in middle school.

15 MLA Worksheet

16 MLA Report Format

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