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Towards a Work Programme 2013-2015 for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) Water Directors Meeting 28 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards a Work Programme 2013-2015 for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) Water Directors Meeting 28 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards a Work Programme for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) Water Directors Meeting 28 November 2012, Limassol Marta Moren Abat, DG Environment

2 Blueprint objectives Integration Efficient water use Ensure sufficient availability of good quality water for sustainable and equitable water use Economic Instruments Resilience to Extreme Events Governance Good Ecological Status Knowledge Base

3 CIS principles Improved policy making "Knowledge-Policy Interaction"
Improve comparability / transparency Fully integrate quantity and quality Ensure sectoral policy integration Improved knowledge base: Water cycle & use Ecological status Measures and policy instruments Costs and benefits Hydro-economic modelling / target setting "Knowledge-Policy Interaction" Testing measures and policy instruments River basin networks

4 Proposed structure chart
Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Strategic Coordination of Implementation Group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Incl: Economic analysis, European Semester, Science & Policy Interface, Planning process Art. 21 Committee Working AREA “Ecological, chemical and quantitative Status” Network of Experts Working AREA “Knowledge, Integration & Dissemination” Network of Experts Working AREA Pressures and Measure Water management” Network of Experts River basin networks Testing tools, measures and policy instruments

5 Blueprint follow-up: Knowledge Base
Water Directors Meeting 28 November 2012, Limassol Jacques Delsalle, DG Environment

6 The need for hydro-economic modelling
We need EU-wide integrated assessment tools to support EU policy processes Cohesion Policy, CAP, Energy, Climate Change have their own IA tools but water resources issues often under-represented. Build on internal capacities JRC, ENV, ESTAT & EEA and current reporting processes EU wide overview and differences between territories Capacity building for the development of similar tools at Member State / River Basin levels Exchange of best practices Filling data gaps in monitoring, research, etc. Bluerint proposed CIS guidance

7 Knowledge base key issues for CIS
Enabling the right decisions to be taken at all levels: Water resource management tools including the basic needs for nature & society 2 key tools at EU level provided in the context of the Blueprint Economic Analysis of costs and benefits of measures affecting water resources Better dissemination and sharing of knowledge between different levels, supporting water management choices. The Blueprint and related assessments show that there are still important knowledge gaps and failures in the dissemination and proper integration into decision making. 7

8 JRC Hydro-Economic Model (1/2)
The 1st phase of this process, at EU level Innovative integration of water resource management (quantity, quality), land use and economic models Multi-criteria tool to optimize combinations of water efficiency measures at EU level Improvements are planned: Common database for base-year with water balance work Improvement economic module Costing other benefits, e.g. ecosystem services E-flows and cost and effectiveness of measures to be region-specific Inclusion trends/scenarios outside the water sector

9 JRC Hydro-Economic Model (2/2)
Main conclusions of ad-hoc expert group The model is on the forefront of the state of the art Uncertainties of outcomes still very high. Useful for ex-ante evaluations at EU level In the context of WFD implementation, need for a bidirectional learning process with Member States

10 EU water balances project (1/2)
Contract for DG ENV with technical support from EEA in the context of the Blueprint Based on UN SEEA-W methodology Shift from Year /country to Month /sub-basin… Use of already reported water data and additional specific data collection Calculation based on an average 8 years input data

11 EU water balances project (2/2)
There was no fundamental disagreement to the generic approach followed by DG ENV and the EEA Results of this prototype not published, but… … urgent need for WEI+ maps (Ressource Efficiency Roadmap) Need for further bilateral coordination with MS and sectors E.g. delineation of sub-catchments, better understanding water use, access to river flow data More Member States to be represented in consultation process To be fully integrated in the CIS work: Link with indicators, e-flows, economic analysis, target setting

12 Economic Analysis (1/2) Modelling: Assessment of RBMPs: Beyond WFD:
Scarcity and heterogeneity of available data on costs and benefits of WFD implementation Need for increased transparency on implementation WFD: pricing, exemptions, etc. Modelling: Limited information on elasticity, effectiveness Beyond WFD: Support wider assessment of water policy and integration with sectoral policy Support discussions on economic recovery, European Semester, Green Growth, etc.

13 Economic Analysis (2/2) Study supporting European Semester process, workshop in February Further development JRC modelling On-going work on water-related Ecosystem Services mapping and valuation 2012: update economic analysis under Art 5 Assessment reporting PoM Clear focus on providing SUPPORT for the elaboration of the RBMPs

14 Knowledge Dissemination & Integration
Lessons learned from the assessment of 2009 RBMPs What is lacking, in the assessments and in the plans, and why? Agree in advance on the structure of the document and reporting schemes? Implication for rationalisation reporting & statistic processes. Identify real gaps (monitoring, research) Implications for WISE further development

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