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Project Title: Water and Energy Budget Study (WEBS)

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1 Project Title: Water and Energy Budget Study (WEBS)
Principal Investigator: John Roads Science issue: Establish our current uncertainty in describing global to regional atmospheric and surface water and energy budgets.. Approach: Compare water and energy cycle data on common time/space grids. Satellite-based data: GPCP, CMAP, NVAP,ISCCP, ISCCP FD, GSSTF2, HOAPS-3 Land Surface Models: GLDAS Mosaic, NCEP Noah, NCAR CLM Atmospheric analyses: NCEP, ECMWF, Japanese reanalyses Study Period: ISLSCP decade ( ); eventually extend period to present. Project status: Year 1 & 2 major finding –*Roads et. al 2008) provide an estimate of our current uncertainty in describing means of water and energy budget processes. Year 3 –update Roads et al land focus with ocean and global means; begin focus on NEWS time periods with available data Year 4&5 focus on seasonal variations and interannual monthly means *Roads, J., E. Bainto, K. Masuda, M. Rodell, W. Rossow, 2008: GEWEX Water and Energy Budget Study. Earth Interactions (submitted and responded to reviewers) NEWS linkages: (pull, push, collaborate, external) Discussions with A. Betts, F. Robertson, M. Bosilovich, P. Houser Discussions with B. Lin & A. Schlosser NEWS “core” projects…. Collaborate with M. Rodell – GLDAS products Collaborate with W. Rossow-GRP products Contributes to the GEWEX CEOP/GRP/GMPP Crosscutting WEBS project Major Result to go in lower left side: Figures should not be too complex or busy – this example is probably the limit of acceptable complexity. Land annual mean precipitation, P, evaporation, E, moisture convergence, MC, runoff, N, and the two combination closure and terms for the surface water, EW, and the atmospheric water vapor, EQ. J. Roads, Updated: Feb.26, 2008

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