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Presentation on theme: "Classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification

2 How are Organisms Classified?
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Your subtopic goes here

3 Prokaryotic Organisms
Prokaryotic- Organism with NO membrane bound structures Monerans- smallest and simplest life forms Two Phyla Bacteria-absorb food molecules from their surroundings Blue-Green Bacteria-contain chlorophyll, produce their own food E coli Bacteria Anthrax Lime Disease

4 Eukaryotic Organisms Eukaryotic-with membrane bound structures
Protists-single celled organism that has a nucleus and organelles Two Types Protozoans-single-celled organism that must ingest their food Algae-single celled organism that makes their own food

5 Eukaryotic Organism Fungi- multicellular organism with cell walls but NO chlorophyll Spore-reproductive cell formed by fungi Three types of Fungi Thread-like Fungi- has strands with spores on top Ex. Bread Mold Club Fungi-has tight strands with spores under gills Ex. Mushrooms Sac Fungi- parasites that typically feed off of trees Ex. Yeast, Mildews

6 Eukaryotic Organism Plant Kingdom-Multi-cellular organism that has chlorophyll, cell structures and cell walls. Most live on land and are anchored to something The largest living things on earth The longest living things on earth

7 Eukaryotic Organisms Nonvascular Plants- do not have water conducting tissue Two Types of Plants Mosses Liverworts

8 Eukaryotic Organisms Vascular Plants-Conducts water and minerals through their roots, stems and leaves Five Types of Vascular Plants: 2 1 Horsetails-hollow stems with vertical ridges and joints Club Mosses-resemble mosses with sturdier stem

9 Plants Ferns-have fronds and underground stems Fronds--Fern leaves.
Rhizome--The ferns underground stem. Sori—where fern spores are produced. Prothallus--The small, green, heart-shaped gametophyte plant.


11 Plants Gymnosperm—Naked seed Reproduce using cones.
Ex. pines, firs, and cedars. There are male and female cones Pollen is released in the spring for sperm to unite with the ovule. (egg) OVULE-female reproductive part in cone

12 Plants Angiosperm—covered seed Have flowers
ex. roses, tomatoes, and cherry trees. These have seeds within fruit.

13 Transitional Page

14 Elements

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