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GRDG526 Language, Literacy and Diversity in American Education

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Presentation on theme: "GRDG526 Language, Literacy and Diversity in American Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 GRDG526 Language, Literacy and Diversity in American Education
Week 5: Theories of Diversity Part 2 Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs

2 Agenda Sharing Small Group Discussion Minilecture Break
Analysis Workshop Classroom Analysis Next Week

3 Sharing? Stages of Developing Racial Identity
What can novice teachers do?

4 Small Group Discussion
Jenna Danielle Holly Nicole Group 2 Stephanie Jennifer Jamie Crystal Group 3 Jessica Anita Theresa Emily At the end of your discussion, create 1 open-ended question for the class to deliberate.

5 Minilecture Review of the Theories
Culture as Disability (McDermott & Varenne) Critical Race Theory (Parker & Willis; Yosso) Community Cultural Capital (Yosso) Cultural Historical Theory (Pacheco & Gutierrez)

6 Break

7 Analysis Workshop Go through the community/school analysis assignment line by line (see Rex & Schiller chapter 10) and ask What is being privileged here? Identify the elements (if any) that require deep content knowledge or higher order thinking What was being learned in this assignment? Did it allow for power to circulate in meaning construction? Consider your essay. Did your submission match the expectations of the assignment?

8 Classroom Analysis Examine the Classroom Analysis Assignment
What learning is it asking of you? Do you have the resources to be successful? How will you approach completing this assignment? How will you approach the analysis task? How ill you approach the writing task?

9 Next Week Reading Writing Reacquaint yourself with Heath Prendergast
Fine Stoskopf (in Au) Writing Do a wiki post for next week instead of the Classroom Analysis Classroom Analysis not due until after break. You may complete it at anytime between now and then. Use Google Docs to hand it in. Check in on the Class Covenant – link posted on the wiki

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