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The Idea of Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion

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1 The Idea of Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion
How and why did the U.S. expand West in the 1800s? Why does this matter? What is the U.S.’s destiny (fate or job?) today?

2 What is Manifest Destiny?
Destiny: your fate, what you are meant to do Manifest: from God In the 1800s, many Americans believed that God had a specific destiny for the U.S. Can you figure out what that destiny was from this image?

3 “ ???” by John Gast, 1872

4 “ ???” by John Gast, 1872

5 In Gast’s view, why might be America’s “Manifest Destiny”?
“???” by John Gast, 1872 In Gast’s view, why might be America’s “Manifest Destiny”?

6 “American Progress” by John Gast, 1872 Connect the title to the concept of “Manifest Destiny”

7 How and why do you think we obtained the land West of the Rockies?
In 1803, all the land West of the Rockies (including Texas) was controlled by Spain By 1820, it was controlled by Mexico (they won their independence from Spain) By 1846, the United States claimed it was American land.

8 Why the West? In the 1830s and 1840s, many Americans believed in the idea of manifest destiny In general, manifest destiny means “obvious fate” or God’s goal. More specifically, Americans thought it was their fate to spread white American culture and Christianity across the continent and control the land from Atlantic to Pacific.

9 4 Reasons Americans Believed in Manifest Destiny
1. It is good to spread DEMOCRACY. 2. We had more FREEDOM than others. It is good to spread it. 3. We were more CIVILIZED. 4. God gave Americans the privilege of spreading American culture to “less civilized” people. By the 1890s, one author, Rudyard Kipling called this “White Man’s Burden” meaning it was the job of white people to help others.

10 Besides Manifest Destiny, why expand?
More land for farming Financial problems (Panic of 1837) caused unemployment. People wanted to go west to start a new life on cheap land. If we could control California, we could trade more easily with Asian nations. Some Americans worried that England would try to take over Texas and California from Mexico, who owned both lands by the 1820’s.

11 Alexis Rockman in 2004. What is progress
Alexis Rockman in What is progress? Where are we headed as a country, according to Rockman?

12 Reflection Questions How do you think US neighbors (Canada, Mexico) felt about the idea of Manifest destiny? Do you think that people in our nation today believe in the idea of the US having a “Manifest Destiny”? If we really think the US has the most fair society, most freedoms, etc. should we try to spread those ideas to other nations?

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