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“Four Priorities by Which to Live!”

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1 “Four Priorities by Which to Live!”
1 Thessalonians 2:1-13

2 “Don’t let the urgent take the place of the important in your life.”

3 … The sad thing, however, while we’re putting out the fires of the urgent, the important is put on hold…

4 The customer finally got the headwaiter’s attention and asked, “Just a point of information, did the waiter who took my order leave any family?”

5 to look at four priorities by which to live
Purpose: to look at four priorities by which to live

6 I Be BIBLICAL (vv 1-4)

7 Paul spoke of God’s Word as the very foundation of his being NOT in error, impurity or deceit…

8 I Be BIBLICAL (vv 1-4) A. Biblical Mentality

9 To some it sounds “old fashioned” but our first priority we need to cultivate is making the Bible the final and complete AUTHORITY in our lives…!

10 Moberly, MO radio station use to ask the graduating seniors of the local high school every Spring: What are your plans now that you are graduated?...

11 I Be BIBLICAL (vv 1-4) A. Biblical Mentality B. Biblical Lifestyle

12 Change your way of living recognizing the temptation from Satan to get wrapped up in the urgent to the neglect of the essential!

13 I Be BIBLICAL (vv 1-4) A. Biblical Mentality B. Biblical Lifestyle
C. Biblical Self-Examination

14 Hebrews 4:12-13 “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do.”

15 II Be AUTHENTIC (vv 5-6) A. Learn to be Real

16 “That boy has a self-image problem….”

17 Host preacher told Cartwright that President Andrew Jackson was present… “be careful what you say.” Cartwright preached without compromise. In the middle of his sermon he stopped and… Peter Cartwright

18 II Be AUTHENTIC (vv 5-6) A. Learn to be Real B. Learn to be Kind
C. Learn to be Genuine

19 While studying under him, learned that he was a man who admitted to problems, challenges, and failures in the ministry… “Cotton” E. Ray Jones

20 III Be GRACIOUS (vv 7-11) A. Care Like a Mother

21 Gospel must be presented to a hungry, aimless world in a thoughtful, gracious wrapping!

22 III Be GRACIOUS (vv 7-11) A. Care Like a Mother B. Deal Like a Father

23 Ephesians 6:4 “And fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

24 In his book “Promises to Peter” Shedd tells of the time his son Philip was messing with a bale binder of twine… author Charlie Shedd

25 IV Be RELEVANT (vv 12-13) A. God’s Word is Timeless

26 The Bible is up-to-date… state of the art... always current…

27 IV Be RELEVANT (vv 12-13) A. God’s Word is Timeless
B. God’s Word Links Talking With Walking

28 Conclusion and Summary
Yes, the tyranny of the urgent will always outshout the essential nature of the most important if we let it. We must determine not to let this happen. God has given 4 priorities: 1) Be Biblical… 2) Be Authentic… 3) Be Gracious… 4) Be Relevant…

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