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Unit 5 week 2 Spelling and vocabulary

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1 Unit 5 week 2 Spelling and vocabulary

2 voice the sounds that comes through the mouth of humans
The singer had a beautiful voice.

3 point A sharp end of something - OR - to direct attention to
It is not nice to point at your friend.

4 joyful full of joy; full of extreme happiness
The sunshine made her extremely joyful!

5 enjoy to experience happiness          Did you enjoy your day at school?

6 boy a male child         The boy is wearing his hat backwards.

7 toy An object used for play
It is nice to share your favorite toy with your friend.

8 noise Loud or harsh sound What was that loud noise?

9 join To bring together The fish was lonely, so he decided to join the others.

10 coin A piece of metal used for money The gold coin made me excited!

11 boil Using heat to change something from liquid to gas
When water gets very hot, it begins to boil.

12 phonograph A machine that copies and plays sounds on discs
The phonograph was an important invention.

13 pigments Something that’s dry that makes color when mixed with liquid
The pigments made gorgeous paint when mixed with liquid.

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