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Pre adjusted Edgewise Begg

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1 Pre adjusted Edgewise Begg
Appliance Ritika Bhat

2 Introduction Pre-adjusted Edgewise and Begg appliances are fixed appliances that are fixed or fitted onto the teeth by the operator and cannot be removed by the patient at will. The various tooth movements brought about by fixed appliances include bodily movement, rotation, tipping, intrusion, extrusion and root movements. There they can be used to treat most of malocclusions.

3 Components Of A Fixed Appliance
Active components : Arch wire 2. Springs 3.Elastics 4.Separators Passive components : 1.Bands 2.Brackets 3. Buccal tubes 4.Lingual attachments 5. Lock pins 6.Ligature wires

4 Founders 1.The Pre adjusted Edgewise appliance was introduced by Laurence F.Andrews in 1970 in which bracket of edgewise introduced by Dr.Angle was modified to have 1st,2nd and 3rd order bends so as to avoid complex wire bending. 1. The Begg appliance was introduced in 1950’s by Dr. P R Begg

5 Pre-adjusted edgewise appliance

6 Brackets Bracket is defined as a device that projects horizontally to support auxiliaries and is open on one side usually in the vertical or horizontal. There are various types : Edgewise type Ribbon arch type Weldable and bondable: Metallic type: Ceramic type: Plastic type

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