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Kristin Bradley-Bull New Perspectives Consulting Group

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Presentation on theme: "Kristin Bradley-Bull New Perspectives Consulting Group "— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Knows?: Facilitating Meaningful, Manageable Participatory Data Analysis
Kristin Bradley-Bull New Perspectives Consulting Group Thomas McQuiston USW Tony Mazzocchi Center M. Josie Beach USW Local Union AEA – Orlando, 12 November 2009

2 Acknowledgments This work was supported via a cooperative agreement from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (U45ES S1). The views here are those of the authors. The authors wish to acknowledge USW the co-evaluators with whom we have worked side by side over the past decade and the local unions and workers who make this work necessary and possible.

3 RAP OVERVIEW Research-Action Projects (RAPs)
Engage community (industrial workers, USW staff ) in all evaluation stages RAP purpose: improve health and safety in industrial workplaces to protect workers, surrounding communities Seek to effect changes: fed. policy, corp. policy/ practice, individual workplaces, training focus, etc.

4 KEY CONTEXT Working with major union (United Steelworkers/USW)
National scope of projects Luxury of time Luxury of funding

Selecting Analysis Team Members Preparing for Analysis Meeting Conducting Analysis Meeting Completing Analysis Post-Meeting

6 1. Selecting Analysis Team Members
Community members Formal organizational leaders Evaluators/researchers Facilitators/trainers

7 2. Preparing for Analysis Meeting
Pre-meeting orientation Aims of the project

8 Preparing (cont’d) DATA REPORT PREPARATION: Review raw data
Run preliminary cross-tabs, tests Refine data report content to include most noteworthy Remove extraneous columns, data, etc. Organize report content for maximum ease of use

Consider how to build skills, confidence, trust and move through a lot of analysis Determine time- and complexity- equivalent analyses per small group “round” Create responsive, flexible agenda

10 3. Conducting Analysis Meeting
Trust-building Strategic small group assignment

11 Conducting (cont’d) ACCESSIBLE, RELEVANT ANALYSIS TRAINING MATERIAL EXAMPLES: Sample size puzzle Legos Factsheets

12 Conducting (cont’d) Facilitate distinguishing among: analysis, interpretation, recommendations Clarify product/s of meeting

13 Conducting (cont’d) First round: full group (who is our “n?”)
Small groups complete rounds with small group facilitator support Full group facilitated to provide deep input during report-backs Work captured on laptops; reviewed via projector, track changes

14 Conducting (cont’d) Toward end of meeting:
More focus on recommendation development Evaluation by team on the process, products, facilitation, etc.; advice for “next time” Next steps identification, dates, sign-up

15 4. Completing Analysis Post-Meeting
Review what’s been done/plan out in detail: What’s next? Who will do what? Who else needs to be involved? Work via: web-based meetings, conference calls, ?

Technical expertise Misinterpretation avoidance “A-ha” moments Relevance/reality/readability checks

17 Value-Added (cont’d) Insiders with deep knowledge of results, recommendations for dissemination, action stages Institutionally-credible people contributing to analysis and interpretation Capacity-building Institutional valuing of participatory approaches, results

18 REFLECTIONS Q/A Advice for/from peers

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