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2 E 1 S E M N G Talk about school

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1 2 E 1 S E M N G Talk about school
D 2 E 1 S E M N G ม. I G I T Talk about school A L 4.0

2 D I G I T A L 4.0 Asking about study places ENG M.1 Sem. 2
Listening & Conversation G Where do you study?  I study at …….  I’m a student at ……  I study about... I T A L 4.0

3 D I G I T A L 4.0 Asking about favourite subject ENG M.1 Sem. 2
Listening & Conversation G What is your favourite subject? My favourite subject is… I T A L 4.0

4 D I G I T A L 4.0 Asking about activities / hobbies ENG M.1 Sem. 2
Listening & Conversation G  What Club do you want to be a member? I will apply for Music Club.  What do you like to do in your free time?  What activities are you interested in? I T A L 4.0

5 D I G I T A L 4.0 Asking about activities / hobbies ENG M.1 Sem. 2
Listening & Conversation G What is your hobby?  I like/ love drawing.  I’m interested in…  My hobby is… I T A L 4.0

6 Listening & Conversation
D Asking about classes ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Listening & Conversation G  How often do you have class? I have class twice a week.  What time does your class start/begin? My class starts/begins at…o’clock. I T A L 4.0

7 Listening & Conversation
D Asking about classes ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Listening & Conversation G  When will you finish class? I will finish class at…o’clock.  Do you have classes this afternoon? Yes, I have classes until…o’clock. I T A L 4.0

8 Listening & Conversation
D Asking about classes ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Listening & Conversation G  Do you go to school every day? Yes, I do, except Saturday and Sunday. I T A L 4.0

9 Listening & Conversation
D Asking about classes ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Listening & Conversation G  How do you go to school? I go to school by bus/car/motorcycle.  Have you finished school? I T A L 4.0

10 D I G I T A L 4.0 Asking about currently school ENG M.1 Sem. 2
Listening & Conversation G  What was your highest level of education?  What course do you do?  What sort of school do you go to? I go to a public/state high school. I T A L 4.0

11 D I G I T A L 4.0 Asking about currently school ENG M.1 Sem. 2
Listening & Conversation G  My son study at secondary school. I’m studying at technical high school. She goes to a polytechnic school. I T A L 4.0

12 Listening & Conversation
D Conversation 1 ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Listening & Conversation G Jane: What grade are you in, Sam? Sam: I am in 6th grade. I go to a very big school. Jane: I go to a very small school, because there aren’t many kids in my small town. My favorite subject is math. It’s fun! I T A L 4.0

13 Listening & Conversation
D Conversation 1 ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Listening & Conversation G Sam: Math is so hard! I don’t like it at all. The numbers are so confusing for me. I prefer literature and history. Jane: We are just the opposite! History is so hard for me. Maybe we can help each other learn. Sam: Great! Then we can both get good grades and get good jobs when we grow up. I T A L 4.0

14 Listening & Conversation
D Conversation 2 ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Listening & Conversation G Jane: Hi, Tom! You look so worried. Do you have a problem? Tom: Hello, Jane. I do have a problem. Jane: What is it? Maybe I can help you. Tom: I don’t understand our lesson with Mr. John this morning. It really makes me feel so worried. I T A L 4.0

15 Listening & Conversation
D Conversation 2 ENG M.1 Sem. 2 I Listening & Conversation G Jane: That is not a problem. I will teach you. Tom: Really? Oh! Thank you, Jane! Jane: You’re welcome. I T A L 4.0

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