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No major European war “The Long Peace ” Battle of

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Presentation on theme: "No major European war “The Long Peace ” Battle of"— Presentation transcript:

1 No major European war “The Long Peace ” 1815-1914 1815 - Battle of
Waterloo 1914 - W.W.I. Napoleonic Wars – 3 million dead W.W.I. would kill 12 million

2 Europe 1890 Great Britain plays for a Balance of power
Russia isolated, seeks allies Germany & Austria despise France & fear Russia France fears Germany Italy & Ottoman Empire weak but strategically located

3 The Alliance System Great Britain The Triple Entente
The Triple Alliance Great Britain German Empire Austria-Hungary Russian Empire france Italy Tension! The Allies The Central Powers Great Britain German Empire Russian Empire Austria-Hungary france Ottoman Empire Italy, Bulgaria Serbia Romania

4 All that was needed was a spark...
Archduke Franz-Ferdinand greets the Mayor of Sarajevo Gavrillo Princip Serbian terrorist of The Black Hand moments after killing Archduke Franz-Ferdinand

5 War ! Ultimatum Serbia france Emperor Franz-Josef of Austria Hungary
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia War ! Supports Serbia, threatens Austria with war Emperor Franz-Josef of Austria Hungary Ultimatum Serbia Supports Russia, threatens war with Germany Gives Austria-Hungary “blank check” -100% support Gives Austria 100 % support Threatens france & Russia france Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany

6 Nations greet WWI with joy !
A 25-yr old Adolf Hitler cheers the start of war in 1914

7 But Horrors Await

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