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Differentiating Mathematics Instruction

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiating Mathematics Instruction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiating Mathematics Instruction
Session 6: An Inclusive Classroom <Welcome participants to the last session.> Adapted from Dr. Marian Small’s presentation August, 2008

2 Goals for Session 6 Explore aspects of an inclusive climate
Observe a lesson with an inclusive lens Reflect on the learning in the six sessions <Share the goals of the session.>

3 Your questions What questions or concerns do you have?
<Discuss questions or concerns as identified on their Exit Cards from session 5.>

4 What does an inclusive climate look like?
Teacher is… Students are… Participants individually create the chart and fill in the columns. They share their answers with a partner. Generate a whole group list. Possible responses- Teacher is: respectful of student responses posting student work welcoming unusual responses talking a lot less than the students picking up on what students say and uses their response in some way providing opportunities for students who are shy and those who are not providing opportunities for weak students to not feel weak providing opportunities for strong students to go farther Students are: respectful of each other working together actively listening fearlessly speaking challenging each other helping each other

5 What does an inclusive classroom look like?
Use the inclusive climate elements list to identify which of the elements can be observed in this one lesson. Share your observations with a partner. Discuss what you did not see. <Show one part of YRDSB video of Grade 9 math class from the “High-Yield Instructional Approaches in Mathematics series..> Participants use the list generated to observe video and identify which of the criteria they observed as well as other factors that were not so obvious. In their group they respond to the question and share their responses with the whole group. What observations did you make about the classroom climate?

6 Inside/Outside Circle
Reflections on the six sessions: My highlight was… (Outside, Inside) I will try… (Inside, Outside) My students will… (Outside, Inside) Participants form two concentric circles; inside facing out, outside facing in. People on the outside circle share their reflection to the first sentence stem to the person facing them in the inside circle. Then inside people share. ( 1 minute each. ) Outside circle rotate to their right to form a new sharing pair. Share next reflection in same manner. Outside circle rotates again one place to their right, forms a new sharing pair, a shares last reflection.

7 Reflection Think about your four students again.
Do you feel more ready to meet their needs? Consider how you will continue to learn how to differentiate mathematics instruction. <Revisit Anticipation Guide from Session 1. Distribute reference list for participants to further explore Differentiating Instruction. (BLM 6.1) Suggest participants stay connected by sharing addresses - perhaps creating a wiki or blog.>

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