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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystems."— Presentation transcript:

1 ecosystems

2 Biomes (Terrestrial) Terrestrial ecosystems that contain a number of smaller but related ecosystems Distinguished by presence of characteristic plants and animals Commonly identified by dominant plant life

3 Tundra Permafrost Treeless Long winters Largest and northernmost biome

4 Tropical Forest Stable temperature Wet and dry seasons
Most plant life is trees because of competition for light Highest species richness biome

5 Temperate Forest Coniferous or deciduous Distinct seasons
Moderate climate

6 Taiga Boreal forest Mostly coniferous trees
Long winters, short summers Nutrient-poor soil

7 Temperate Grassland Rainfall patterns too dry for trees
Rich, fertile soil Farmland

8 savanna Some deciduous trees Short wet season, long periods of drought

9 chaparral Dense, spiny shrubs Some coniferous trees
Mild, rainy winters Hot, dry summers

10 desert Average rainfall <25cm
Most animals and plants conserve water and avoid heat

11 Aquatic Ecosystems

12 Ocean Zones Photic Aphotic Portion of the ocean that receives sunlight
Portion of the ocean that does not receive sunlight

13 Ocean zones Intertidal Neritic Oceanic Deep water

14 Intertidal Zone Area of the shoreline that is covered by water during high tide and exposed to air during low tide

15 Neritic Zone Extends from Intertidal zone over continental shelf and to relatively shallow depths

16 Oceanic Zone Deep water Pelagic Zone Benthic Zone

17 estuary Occur where freshwater rivers and streams run into the ocean
Species rich Examples Bays Salt marshes Mangrove swamp forests

18 Freshwater zones Lakes and Ponds Rivers and Streams Wetlands

19 Lakes and Ponds Eutrophic vs. Oligotrophic

20 Rivers and Streams Flows down gradient Can be slow moving

21 Wetlands Land covered by freshwater at least part of the year
Most productive of all Freshwater Zones Marsh vs. Swamp vs. Bog

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