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Primary 3 Newsletter Session

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1 Primary 3 Newsletter Session 2018 - 2019
The New Term A warm welcome to Primary 3! This year, our teachers are Mrs Love (Mon/Tues) and Mrs Fox (Wed-Fri) and Miss Boyd (P3b) The boys and girls have been settling into their new class quickly and have been enjoying P3 lessons. Please encourage your child to share each day’s new learning with you at home. Homework We are introducing a new approach to reading this school year, including reading homework. Please refer to the letter detailing how reading will be taken forward in this school year. There will also be spelling homework which leads to a spelling test on a Friday. Maths homework will be set once a week. This will be issued on a Monday and should be completed and returned on a Friday. On Mondays we may also issue talk homework. We will ask you to discuss a given topic with your child in order to prepare them for writing about this subject on a Friday. Some weeks there may be additional homework activities designated to encourage learning at home. Curriculum In line with Curriculum for Excellence, our focus in the curriculum will be skill development. Our contexts for learning in Social Studies will include The Egyptians, Paddington Bear and Weather. In maths, the emphasis will be on addition and subtraction, mentally for numbers 0-20 and up to 100 in written format. Later in the year we will focus on multiplication and division by 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10. Our year planner which gives an overview of our annual programme is attached on the reverse. Please be aware that this is subject to change. Please get in touch if you have any specialist knowledge about any area of our school work e.g. topics, as we would be delighted to hear from you. Mrs Love Mrs Fox Miss Boyd We have PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday. We recommend that ALL jewellery is removed on these days before coming to school, and that long hair is tied back. Your child’s gym bag should be kept at school. Please clearly mark all belongings with names to avoid missing school garments. Your child should bring to school each day a pencil case containing at least two sharp pencils, a ruler, a rubber and a sharpener. Tissues should be brought if required. To enable us to make the most of our wonderful school grounds, please provide your child with appropriate outdoor wear for both sunny and wet weather. We are confident that your child will have fun whilst learning during a very busy Primary 3 year. Please do not hesitate to contact us, through the school office, with any issues or information which you feel may impact on your child’s learning. We are looking forward to sharing a variety of learning experiences with Primary 3 this year. Thank you for your help and support. Miss Boyd, Mrs Love and Mrs Fox

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