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Elite Scholars Academy Club Descriptions

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1 Elite Scholars Academy Club Descriptions 2016-17

2 ANIME CLUB Mr. LeBoeuf & Mr. Tabet
We will watch various animes observe the cultural/historical influences of Japan on the art form. Participate in card tournaments that feature anime characters or themes, develop our own manga magazine and other possibilities. 

3 Beyond the Book Club Mrs. Hooper & Mr. James
We will be reading various works, taking trips to see productions of literary works and enjoying the fine arts.

4 Science Club Mrs. Hutchins-Trapp & Mr. Spurley
The Science Club is for students in 6th through 8th grade ONLY. (ONLY 30 MEMBERS) Each month students will have the chance to compete against other members in science related events. Many of these events challenge you to create a device that will accomplish a specific task, such as to protect an egg from breaking in the Egg Drop or projects from the Junk Box Wars. Science Club members also help with the science exchange program with local elementary schools and have the opportunity to participate in environmental projects in the community.

5 ZUMBA Fitness Club Mrs. Sheffield & Mrs. Williams
The goals of the club are to encourage self-esteem, promote healthy lifestyles, and teach teamwork. LIMITED TO 50 MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS ONLY!

6 Soccer Club Mr. Sloan & Mr. Jordan
Soccer Club is designed for current 8th – 12th grade students who wish to ultimately to play for a varsity Elite Scholars soccer team next year. It will teach the rules of the game and help develop ball handling skills.

7 Environmental Club Mr. Awoyemi
The purpose of the club is to create awareness of environmental issues, such as protection, conservation, preservation, and restoration, with an emphasis on educating and empowering students. Students who are interested in environmental advocacy and awareness are encouraged to join.

8 Walking Club Mrs. Scofield
Do you enjoy exercising? Find fitness, fun & friends…join the ESA walking club! Join Mrs. Scofield outside to get some fresh air while exploring our school campus and chatting with friends.

9 Chess Club Mr. R. Smith In the chess club, students will have an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of chess, compete against other students, and develop strategies to use when competing against other opponents.

10 Young Ladies of Elite Dr. Edwards & Ms. Powers
The Young Ladies of Elite seek to foster leadership, scholarship, self-esteem, and positive self image among its members.

11 ESA Singers Mrs. Funkhouser
ESA Singers - Singing Songs of Love, Joy, & Peace from the 60's & 70's We are looking for a few good singers with a heart for singing who want to share the message of Love, Joy, & Peace from the songs of the 60's & 70's. This is a group that will become ambassadors for Elite Scholars Academy singing at nursing homes, the mall, community events, etc.               If you are interested sign up for try outs on the sheet outside room 17. Try out dates/times/location to be announced. ESA Singers will be lead by Mrs. Funkhouser (Science Teacher at ESA and Singer) & Mrs. Clark (Pianist & Singer)

12 Fine Arts Portfolio Club Mrs. Johnson & Ms. Castillo
This year we are focusing on helping the serious art student add important art projects to their portfolio. This is an intense drawing club with high standards of craftsmanship and discipline. This is not an arts and crafts club! This is a getting ready for your future in art!

13 Guitar Club Mr. J. Smith The Elite Scholars Academy Guitar Club is a club for all levels of guitar players interested in honing their skills and having fun playing music with others. Members of the club will need to have their own guitar, or bass guitar. Acoustic instruments are preferred, but soft electric may also be allowed. Other stringed instruments are welcome such as banjos, mandolins, etc. Percussionists are also welcome with bongos, tambourines, or other light percussion instruments. No full drum sets or electronic drum sets are allowed. Expect an open jam session. Be prepared to lead with your own music, or follow along with others

14 Origami Club Ms. Brakebill
Come explore the Japanese art of folding paper (origami). Each meeting will consist of a few folding projects that students will be able to take home with them at the end of the day.

15 HOSA-Future Health Professionals Coach Greenlee & Coach Shelton
The purpose of the HOSA organization is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition. The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill, and leadership development, therefore, helping the student meet the needs of the health care community.

16 Elite Scholars Academy Code Club Mr. Hoang
This club is designed to give students who are interested in creating apps the opportunity and resources to learn basic computer programming skills. The purpose of the coding club is to broaden students' knowledge, skills, and interests in computer science and computer programming. No skills required. You may be a 6th, 7th or 8th grader to participate.

17 Koine Greek Club Mr. Swindle
The vast majority of the New Testament of the Bible was originally written in Koine Greek due to the spread of the Greek language by Alexander the Great. This club does not teach theology, but rather teaches how to read Koine Greek. In essence, it is a language class, like someone would learn Spanish, Latin, or French. The ultimate end would be that club members would learn how to read the New Testament in its original language that is Koine Greek.

18 Spanish Club Senora Dinsmoor & Ms. Pierre
The purpose of the Spanish Club is to provide students more opportunities to explore the Spanish culture through language, food, sports, songs, dances, movies, folktales, etc.

19 Math, Logic & Board Games Club Mr. Dudeja & Mr. Mohammed
Do you enjoy playing games? Solving logic problems? If so, this is the club for you. Join Mr. Dudeja & Mr. Mohammed for the Math, Logic and Board Games club. We will play your favorite board games, and work together on logic and math problems.

20 Mock Trial Ms. Hansen & Ms. Montrella
Mock Trial Club will introduce students to public speaking, understanding court trial rules including opening and closing statements, direct and cross questioning, objections and basic law. Students will attend real court sessions and get the opportunity to meet and question local members of our law and order system.

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