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Cost-aware Pre-training for Multiclass Cost-sensitive Deep Learning

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1 Cost-aware Pre-training for Multiclass Cost-sensitive Deep Learning
Source : Computer Science, 2015. Authors : Yuan C, Lin H T, Yang S W Speaker : Jiefan Tan Date : 2017/5/25 國立台灣大學資訊工程學系

2 Outline Introduction Pre-training with AutoEncoder
Cost Matrix, Cost-sensitive methods Pre-training with AutoEncoder Cost-sensitive AutoEncoder Experimental results Conclusion

3 Cost Matrix For each sample(x, y, C) C(y, k) k∈[1, K] Donate
Predict Actual Donate Not to donate (Mailing ) Get donation(-6+x) -6 (No mailing ) -x+6 For each sample(x, y, C) C(y, k) k∈[1, K]

4 Cost-Sensitive Methods
Bayes-optimal decision(BOD) Trains a classifier that outputs class-wise probability Predicts with 𝑦 = argmin 1≤𝑗≤𝐾 𝑘=1 𝐾 𝑝 𝑦=𝑘 𝑥 𝐶(𝑘,𝑗) Regression-based: Train a set of regressors rk , where k∈{1,2,…K} such that rk(x) ≈ C(y, k) Predicts with 𝑦 = argmin 1≤𝑗≤𝐾 𝑟𝑘(𝑥)

5 AutoEncoder layer-wise pre-training
To make the network parameters start from a good initial point

6 AutoEncoder y = S(Wx + b) x’ = S(WTy + b’)
均方误差 交叉熵 AE reconstructs the original input x Goal of AE:

7 Cost-sensitive AutoEncoder
y = S(Wx + b) x’ = S(WTy + b’) x’’ = W’y+b’’ Goal of CSAE: 1. Reconstruct the original input x ; 2. Digest the cost information by reconstructing the cost vector C.

8 AutoEncoder Fine-tuning

9 Experiment & Results Dataset: MNIST bg-img-rot SVHN CIFAR-10

10 Cost Setting Cost matrix K*K C(y,y) = 0 C(k,y)
eg: class A = 10 ; class B = 50 C(A:B) = 10*(60:10)/(60:50) = 50 C(B:A) = 10*(60:50)/(60:10) =2 将数据集的类分布加入代价定义,少数类的误分代价将更高

11 Experiment & Results Performance with β

12 Experiment & Results

13 Conclusion Leaning a method to define cost C
For CNN, may replace softmax layer with cost- ware loss layer

14 Thank you!

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