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Science Jeopardy!.

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1 Science Jeopardy!


3 Ecology Jeopardy Fossils Geologic Time Natural Selection Evolution Surprise 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 What is mineralized remains of something that once was living?
Fossils 100 Definition of a fossil. What is mineralized remains of something that once was living?

5 Fossils 200 What is hard-bodied?
Characteristic of organisms that are best preserved as fossils. What is hard-bodied?

6 A type of fossil including frozen organisms in ice or amber.
Fossils 300 A type of fossil including frozen organisms in ice or amber. What is preserved intact?

7 Empty space filled in with minerals to form a fossil.
Fossils 400 Empty space filled in with minerals to form a fossil. What is a cast?

8 How a fossil is formed (4 steps).
Fossils 500 How a fossil is formed (4 steps). What is: animal dies and then is covered by sediment, rock, dirt etc, the organism’s hard body parts are replaced by minerals and then the fossil is uplifted and exposed?

9 Definition of geologic time. What is the history of the Earth?

10 Geologic Time 200 Age of the Earth. What is 4.6 billion years?

11 Name of this type of image. What is a stratigraphic column?
Geologic Time 300 Name of this type of image. What is a stratigraphic column?

12 Geologic Time 400 The comparable age of an organism near the top of the fossil index. What is younger than an organism found deeper?

13 The law of superposition.
Geologic Time 500 The law of superposition. What is if something is closer to the surface of the Earth it is more recent or younger?

14 Scientist who theorized Natural Selection.
Who is Charles Darwin?

15 Natural Selection 200 What Darwin said parents could pass on to their offspring. What are genetic traits?

16 Definition of variance. What are differences in a species?
Natural Selection 300 Definition of variance. What are differences in a species?

17 Definition of natural selection.
Food Webs 400 Definition of natural selection. What is an organism is better suited to the environment and gets to pass on its traits because is survives long enough to reproduce?

18 Detailed example of natural selection.
One possible answer: What is green and beige worms live in green grass. The green worms blend in with the grass and are eaten less often than the beige worms. More green worms live long enough to reproduce and pass on their green traits. Soon, the worm population is green. .

19 Definition of extinction.
Evolution 100 Definition of extinction. What is when all living members of a species die out with no surviving offspring?

20 Definition of endangered.
Evolution 200 Definition of endangered. What is when there are so few of a species that they are in danger of becoming extinct?

21 Definition of evolution. What is change over a long period of time?

22 Definition of mutation. What is a change in the copying of DNA?
Evolution 400 Definition of mutation. What is a change in the copying of DNA?

23 Evolution 500 Two ways to tell if two species are related.
What are DNA evidence and similar body structure (such as upper arm)?

24 Scientist who studies fossils. What is a paleontologist?
Surprise 100 Scientist who studies fossils. What is a paleontologist?

25 Definition of adaptation.
Surprise 200 Definition of adaptation. What is characteristic that helps an organism survive in their habitat?

26 How Lamark though evolution worked.
Surprise 300 How Lamark though evolution worked. What is an organism would acquire a trait to help it survive and then pass on the acquired trait?

27 The difference between and observation and an inference.
Surprise 400 The difference between and observation and an inference. What is an observation is something you learn from your senses and an inference is an assumption or conclusion based on the observation?

28 Three differences between the African and Asian Elephant.
Surprise 500 Three differences between the African and Asian Elephant. What are the African elephants are bigger, have bigger ears, a single domed forehead, and male and female have tusks?

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