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Conceptualizing Enterprise Systems from an Integrationist Perspective

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1 Conceptualizing Enterprise Systems from an Integrationist Perspective
Lars Taxén Linköping University docent LiU, konsult inom PLM-området, har tidigare arbetat med PLM inom Ericsson under många år Jag kan lugna er med att ni har inte kommit till fel seminarium Vad den här verksamheten har att göra med PLM kommer förhoppningsvis att klarna småningom Men låt oss börja i dagens verklighet.

2 Motivation

3 Integration “is the key to ERP”
(Cumbie et al., 2005) Far from clear what is integrated into what, or how integration is achieved in practice

4 Depart from “integrationism” …

5 A new theory of communication (Roy Harris)
Knowledge is not a matter of gaining access to something outside yourself; all knowledge is internally generated by the human capacity for sign-making; the external world supplies input to this creative process but does not predetermine the outcome; signs and, hence knowledge, arise from creative attempts to integrate the various activities of which human beings are capable. (Roy Harris, 2009, p. 162)

6 … human activity

7 Aligning individual meanings
The Activity Domain - objectivation - contextualization - stabilization - spatialization - temporalization - transition - motivation Activity Modalities Motivated by some need About something - a target Frame a context of relevance Orient ourselves in space Conceive of actions Work out relevant actions Change focus Why, What, How meaning common foundation Enacting means Aligning individual meanings

8 … human integrative faculties

9 Signification in all activity modalities
Higher mental functions (unique for humans) integrative functions mediated by signs speech, abstract and general concept formation Lower mental functions (all organisms with neural networks) motivation, objectivation, contextualization, spatialization, temporalization, stabilization, transition Integrative neural circuits Ta bort AM perceptional, attentional, memorial, evaluative, motoric neural circuits

10 Enterprise Systems

11 ?

12 Integrative sign - objectivation
FACH setup/release FM support Node connection control PM support Distributed OS SW key handling AAL5 layer AAL2 network connection control SAAL layer De-block HW (incl. Self test) RX diversion PCH setup/release DCH Multi code DCH Power control DCH Synchronization DCH User data process System upgrade Scalable execution LED handling Power on Application hook Local execution platform CMsupport DCH setup/release AAL2 layer Network synch. incl. Distr. Cell processing setup/release Cell capacity supervision Resource auto configuration Physical line termination Application SW load DCH connection supervision SW upgrade during traffic Soft handover SMS broadcast Fast congestion control Hard handover Softer handover RACH Transport channel FACH/RACH connection FACH Process user data FACH Ack. Traffic connection Call path tracing Fast power control Single DCH radio link DCH Single code PCH Power control PCH User data process BCCH User data process Multi DCH Radio link AAL5/IP packaging and encapsulating IP support HW/SW info Start MMI Element management platform Operation and Management Java execution platform Cell measurement report to RNC Node synch. BCCH setup/release FACH Power control RACH setup/release Setup of RBS/RNC control link Iub data stream setup/release BCCH Power control

13 Integration within and across activity domains

14 Enterprise systems supporting integration

15 Some implications Enterprises as constellations of Activity Domains
The Activity Domain the integrative unit Sign-making Signs, e.g. models, compliant with the Activity Modalities ES systems conceptualized as tools for sign-making ES relevance domain dependent ERP relevant in HR, financing, stock holding, inventory, etc. PLM relevant in product development domains

16 Conclusion Work in progress, trying to ground ES inquiries in human predispositions for integrating activities Necessary to advance the current state of play in ES thinking and practice


18 Integrative sign - objectivation
FACH setup/release FM support Node connection control PM support Distributed OS SW key handling AAL5 layer AAL2 network connection control SAAL layer De-block HW (incl. Self test) RX diversion PCH setup/release DCH Multi code DCH Power control DCH Synchronization DCH User data process System upgrade Scalable execution LED handling Power on Application hook Local execution platform CMsupport DCH setup/release AAL2 layer Network synch. incl. Distr. Cell processing setup/release Cell capacity supervision Resource auto configuration Physical line termination Application SW load DCH connection supervision SW upgrade during traffic Soft handover SMS broadcast Fast congestion control Hard handover Softer handover RACH Transport channel FACH/RACH connection FACH Process user data FACH Ack. Traffic connection Call path tracing Fast power control Single DCH radio link DCH Single code PCH Power control PCH User data process BCCH User data process Multi DCH Radio link AAL5/IP packaging and encapsulating IP support HW/SW info Start MMI Element management platform Operation and Management Java execution platform Cell measurement report to RNC Node synch. BCCH setup/release FACH Power control RACH setup/release Setup of RBS/RNC control link Iub data stream setup/release BCCH Power control

19 Human capacity for integrating activities
Vygotsky integrative functions mediated by signs Higher mental functions (unique for humans) speech, abstract and general concept formation motivation, objectivation, contextualization, spatialization, temporalization, stabilization, transition Lower mental functions (all organisms with neural networks) integration perceptional, attentional, memorial, evaluative, motoric Ta bort AM

20 Implications - ERP The relevance of the ERP-system in each domain will vary ERP-systems are vital for integrating a certain subset of domains Those dealing with HR, financing, stock holding, inventory, etc.

21 Interpretation in the integrationist perspective
A means for integration Mainly a p-tool Should be aligned with the AMs To support all modalities in integration Integrating activity presumes all modalities Valid for all ADs in which the ERP-system is relevant

22 What has been achieved? Models are psychological tools
Change something in the brain but not in the environment Element in integration rather than “representing” something Models shall be compliant with the AMs ERP systems p-tools for all AMs

23 A sign expressing the enterprise

24 A sign expressing mainly temporalization
Ericsson Business Process D e s i g n & T t M a m S y P r o d u c G l b v A p Sales Create Business Define Business Content Define Product Design Market Offer Prepare Deployment Exibit Product in Service Specify Product Verify Implement Solution In - Support Supply SC 1 2 5 4 3 6 7 PC 8

25 Aligning individual meanings
Human activity - objectivation - contextualization - stabilization - spatialization - temporalization - transition - motivation Activity Modalities Motivated by some need Attend a target Frame a context of relevance Orient ourselves in space Conceive of actions Evolve principles for relevant actions Change focus Why, What, How meaning common foundation Enacting means Aligning individual meanings

26 Aligning individual meanings
Human activity – the Activity Domain Attend a target Frame a context of relevance Evolve principles for relevant actions Orient ourselves in space Conceive of actions Change focus Motivated by some need Is about something Enacting means Aligning individual meanings

27 Human capacity for integration
Vygotsky integrative functions mediated by signs Higher mental functions (unique for humans) speech, abstract and general concept formation Lower mental functions (all organisms with neural networks) integration perceptional, attentional, memorial, evaluative, motoric Ta bort AM

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