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Respiratory System Review.

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1 Respiratory System Review

2 Review Oxygen(O2) is provided continuously by? Plants
It only takes how many minutes to cause brain damage after oxygen intake ceases? 4 to 6 This is the exchange of gases within the cells of all the body organs and tissue? Internal exchange The nose is divided by a wall called the? Septum Inside the nostrils are hairs called? Cilia Which anatomy cavity protects the structures of the chest? Thoracic cavity

3 Review Which structure carries both food and air? Pharynx
What closes off the laryngopharynx to prevent food from entering the trachea and lungs? Epiglottis Known as the voice box? Larynx This the largest cartilage in the larynx and known as the Adam’s apple? Thyroid cartilage This is procedure done by making an external opening into the trachea, and inserting a tube to permit air to enter? Tracheotomy

4 Review This is commonly called the windpipe and extends from the neck?
Trachea This divides into two sections from the trachea, called the right and left? Bronchi These tiny air passageways have walls of muscle cells and branch from the bronchi? Bronchioles Each bronchiole ends in a grape cluster of microscopic air sacs called? Alveoli Respiration is considered to be? One inhalation and one expiration

5 Review The right lung has how many lobes?
Three lobes, upper, middle, and lower The left lung has how many lobes? Two lobes, upper and lower The degree of inflation depends on the presence of what this is a fatty molecule on the respiratory membrane? Surfactant This contains a lubricating fluid to prevent friction as the membranes rub together during respiration?   Pleural space This is the principle breathing muscle , and when it contracts , it produces a vacuum within the thoracic cavity, causing air to be drawn in? Diaphragm

6 Review This is a test(scope) to view the airways and bronchial tree to diagnose lung disease? Bronchoscopy This a reaction to airborne allergens causing sneezing, watery nasal discharge, and congestion? Allergic Rhinitis This is a chronic disorder characterized by swelling, inflammation, and contrition of the bronchi and bronchioles, indication of wheezing? Asthma This can be an acute or chronic disease with inflammation of the bronchial walls with narrowing of the airways? Bronchitis

7 Review This is a disease which involves destruction of the lungs over time, making you progressively more short of breath? Emphysema Medical term for a nosebleed? Epistaxis This condition is a serious infection of the lungs in which the smallest bronchioles and alveoli fill with pus and other liquid? Pneumonia This is an accumulation of the air or gas in the pleural space causing the lung to collapse? Pneumothorax

8 Review This is inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest (the pleura) that leads to chest pain (usually sharp) when you take a breath or cough? Pleurisy This is the presence of excess fluid in the plural space? Pleural Effusion This is a condition that is characterized by the accumulation of fluid on the lungs? Pulmonary Edema This is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system your nose, throat and lungs, causes fever, weakness, severe aches and pains, and breathing problems? Influenza

9 Review This is a mysterious condition that kills apparently healthy infants? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS) List some links to a baby's increased risk of SIDS? -Placing a baby on their stomach -Sleeping in the same bed as their parents -Soft bedding in the crib -Multiple birth babies -Premature birth

10 Review This communicable disease is characterized by nodular lesions and patchy infiltration of lung tissue, but may spread to other organs, you can get this by breathing in air droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person? Tuberculosis(TB) This is a disease of the upper respiratory system, considered a bacterial infection, associated with a persistent cough for 10 or more days? Pertussis A small electrical device that fits on the end of the index finger and determines oxygen content in the blood? Pulse-oximetry Define cystic fibrosis? Causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body, this is a genetic disorder in children This condition is an acute respiratory syndrome in infants and children characterized by a barking cough? Croup

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