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Consolidation Performance Degradation

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2 Consolidation Performance Degradation
Causes Bad Application Design Unnecessary calculations Poorly written configurations/extensions Lack of needed house keeping

3 Consolidation Performance Degradation
Causes Bad Application Design 1A) Simplified Dimension Editor 1B) Metadata Validation Unnecessary calculations 2A) Balance for Balance Sheet 2B) Ratios Calculations Poorly written configurations/extensions 3A) Dimension Member Formulas 3B) Custom Calculations 3C) Translation Overrides 3D) Configurable Consolidation Rules Lack of needed house keeping 4A) Clear Empty Blocks 4B) Dense Restructure

4 Prerequisite's for Support
How does support process issues reproduced by customers? What information does support need to have before logging a bug?

5 Step 1 - Bad Application Design
Diagnostics of consolidation performance degradation Incorrect metadata properties can cause errors during consolidation and poor performance. Best practices for metadata properties can be checked by The Simplified Dimension Editor Metadata Validator Fixing the metadata errors are important for consolidation performance and correctness. All Documentaion is available here: cloud/AGFCC/editing_member_properties_sui.htm#AGFCC-GUID-DC9FF4BE-C8B9-45E2-AF08-381DD86B26E4   The page is called “Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor”.

6 1A) The Simplified Dimension Editor - Launch
Step 1 – Bad Application Design Click on “Overview” card Click on “Dimensions” tab Click on vertical tab to Edit Member Properties

7 1A) The Simplified Dimension Editor - Review and fix errors
Step 1 – Bad Application Design For each dimension click on “Zoom in All Levels” icon (Red circle below) Click on actions menu (red rectangle below) and select “Validate” A bottom pane will fly out with all the validation errors in current dimension Note down the errors in each dimension and fix the errors. Run consolidation again.

8 1B) Validate Metadata - Run
Step 1 – Bad Application Design Click on “Overview” card Click on Actions -> Validate Metadata Click Run

9 1B) Validate Metadata – View & Fix
Step 1 – Bad Application Design Expand a dimension to see the invalid results for that dimension Navigate to the Dimension Editor to fix the metadata errors. Rerun consolidation and check performance

10 Step 2 – Unnecessary Calculations
Diagnostics of consolidation performance degradation The consolidation process and steps are clearly documented in FCCS. By default FCCS performance many calculations during the consolidation process that may not be needed for the customer. Turning some of these calculations off could improve performance.

11 2A) Turn off Balance for Balance Sheet Calculation
Step 2 – Unnecessary Calculations Why Balance Sheet calculations are optional? If the Balance Sheet is out of balance, a balancing amount is calculated and posted to a seeded account called "Balance". This is a predefined miscellaneous liability account which is used solely for the purpose of keeping the Balance Sheet balanced. You have the option to disable this calculation if you do not want the system to automatically balance the Balance Sheet for you Click Application->Consolidation Select Local Currency->Balance the Balance Sheet->Disable by Scenario Disable the scenarios by using one of the following methods: Add the selected scenarios to the EXCLUDE clause (e.g., Budget,Actual). This means that all scenarios are disabled except Budget and Actual. Modify the entry by including only the scenarios for which you want the calculation disabled (e.g., Consol,Forecast,ActBudDiff) Click Save. Rerun consolidation

12 2A) Turn off Balance for Balance Sheet Calculation
Step 2 – Unnecessary Calculations Note that there are two lines in the member selector. The first line is the list of scenarios that should be disabled. The second line is an exclusion line, which means that any scenario listed in the second line is effectively enabled (not disabled). User should be careful about adding the scenario that need to be disabled on the first line, not the second line.

13 2B) Turn off Ratios Calculations
Step 2 – Unnecessary Calculations Disabling the Ratios Calculations will also give a boost in performance But you cannot disable Ratios on an existing app The app will have to be recreated with Ratios unchecked when specifying the creation application options

14 Step 3 – Poorly written configurations/extensions
Diagnostics of consolidation performance degradation The default consolidation logic can be extended by the customer or partner The customer specific logic is inserted as part of the overall consolidation process and can be written as: Member Formulas Calculation Logic Translation/Consolidation Overrides Poorly written logic in these extensions/configurations can severely cause performance degradation

15 3A) Dimension member formulas – Review and remove formulas
Step 3 – Poorly written configurations/extensions Open metadata editor in Smartview Select the dimension and then go to FCCS AD Hoc Go to member selection then change to Member Properties

16 3A) Dimension member formulas – Review and remove formulas
Step 3 – Poorly written configurations/extensions Select consol formula and add it to the right side and select options

17 3A) Dimension member formulas – Review and remove formulas
Step 3 – Poorly written configurations/extensions Zoom level to All levels, then double click on Account or whichever dimension you are looking at. Click on data tab turn on the filter. Go to the formula column Uncheck the blank and You will get what cells have the formulas Note that only formulas on non- ootb members can be removed. Can’t remove seeded formulas e.g.YTD.

18 3B) Calculation logic – check is custom calculation rules deployed
Step 3 – Poorly written configurations/extensions Click on Consolidation -> Click on second vertical tab - > Click on Local Currency tab Click on After Opening Balance Carry Forward OR Final Calculations Calc Manager will open up in a new tab

19 3B) Calculation logic – undeploy custom calculations
Step 3 – Poorly written configurations/extensions Double click on each of the 6 predefined rules ( FCCS_10 to FCCS_60 ) If the app is Single Currency double click on predefined rules ( FCCS_110 to FCCS_160 ) If there is any deployed script, empty/comment out the script Re-deploy the rule, check performance Empty rule

20 3C) Undeploy translation rules
Step 3 – Poorly written configurations/extensions Click on consolidation card -> Click on second vertical tab - > Click on Translated Tab Click on “Translation Overrides” Undeploy any translation rules and then rerun consolidation.

21 3D) Undeploy consolidation rules
Step 3 – Poorly written configurations/extensions Click on consolidation card -> Click on second vertical tab - > Click on Consolidated Tab Click on “Configurable Consolidations” Undeploy any consolidation rules and rerun consolidation Note:Config Consol rules are enabled only if the Ownership Management feature is enabled

22 Step 4 – Lack of needed house keeping
Diagnostics of consolidation performance degradation Keeping the Essbase engine tuned by removing unnecessary data blocks and ensuring the structure is efficiently stored is important for optimal consolidation performance. Doing the necessary house keeping can improve consolidation performance.

23 4A) Clearing Empty Blocks
Step 4 – Lack of needed house keeping Click Rules -> Select “Clear Empty Blocks” rule, Click on Launch Icon Select Scenario and Year for which your consol performance issue exists Click on Launch button. After the process finished, rerun consolidation

24 4B) Dense restructure Step 4 – Lack of needed house keeping
Consolidation Card and click on user editable rule such as Final Calculations. This launches Hyperion Calculation Manager Calculation Manager, click Database Properties tool bar button (green icon) In Database properties expand Planning-><AppName> and check if application's databases are running,  There should be no red box against the database Click on Consol database and navigate to Statistics tab. Check property named Average clustering ratio. If the value is near 1 (1 being maximum) then we are good. There is no need to restructure cube.  However, if value shows something like , then it is time to restructure the cube. Helpful related article -

25 4B) Dense restructure How to run restructure cube?
Navigate->Jobs->Schedule Jobs Select Restructure cube radio button Select Run Now radio button Click on Finish

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