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Idea of the experiment: (1) Qualitative investigation of [Al +++ ] in a systemic cycle. (2) Preparation of different [Al +++ ] compounds. (3) Inter-conversion.

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Presentation on theme: "Idea of the experiment: (1) Qualitative investigation of [Al +++ ] in a systemic cycle. (2) Preparation of different [Al +++ ] compounds. (3) Inter-conversion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Idea of the experiment: (1) Qualitative investigation of [Al +++ ] in a systemic cycle. (2) Preparation of different [Al +++ ] compounds. (3) Inter-conversion of [Al +++ ] compounds. Systemic Investigation of [AI +++ ] SI - 8 Systemic Investigation of [AI +++ ] SI - 8

2 Whit ppt. Aluminum phosphate White gelationus ppt. Aluminum hydroxide Coloreless Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Exp. 3 HCl Al +++ Chloride Salt (SI-8) Reagents Used: (1) Acid: HCl: (1:1 solution). (2) Alkali: NaOH

3 (3) Salts: Sodium phosphate. Add (1 ml) of sodium hydroxide solution to ca. (2 ml) of aluminum chloride solution. What do you observe? Exp. 1 Observation: White gelatinous ppt. of Al (OH) 3. Equation: Aluminum chloride, (5 gm) of the solid dissolved in (100 ml) of distilled water.

4 Dissolve the precipitate obtained from experiment (1) in (2 ml) NaOH solution. What do you observe? Exp. 2 Observation: The precipitate dissolves in NaOH. Equation: 1- Add one ml of HCl to the solution produced from exp. 2. What do you observe? Exp. 3

5 White ppt. of Al(OH) 3. Observation: Equation: Finally Dissolving the Al PO 4 precipitate in HCl, gives the starting solution of AlCl 3. Finally Dissolving the Al PO 4 precipitate in HCl, gives the starting solution of AlCl 3. 1- Dissolve the precipitate obtained in 0.5 ml of HCl and then add few drops of sodium phosphate. What do you observe? White ppt. of aluminum Phosphate. Observation: Equation:

6 Idea of the experiment: (1) Qualitative investigation of [Fe +++ ] in a systemic cycle. (2) Preparation of different [Fe +++ ] compounds. (3) Inter-conversion of [Fe +++ ] compounds. Systemic Investigation of [Fe +++ ] SI - 9 Systemic Investigation of [Fe +++ ] SI - 9

7 Exp.1 Fe +++ (Violet color) Iron salycilate complex Exp.2 HCl (SI - 9) (Reddish brown ppt.) Iron (III) hydroxide Chloride salt Reagents Used: (1) Acid: HCl: (1:1 solution). Salicylic acid (2) Alkali: Sodium hydroxide

8 (3) Salts: Ferric chloride, (5 gm) of the solid dissolved in (100 ml) of distilled water. Add (1 ml) of sodium hydroxide solution to ca. (2 ml) of Iron (III) solution. What do you observe? Exp. 1 Observation: Reddish brown ppt. of iron (III) hydroxide. Equation:

9 Dissolve the precipitate from experiment (1) in (1 ml) dil HCl and then add few drops of salicylic acid. What do you observe? Exp. 2 Observation: Violet colour of iron salicylate complex. Finally Dissolving iron salicylate complex in HCl, gives the starting solution of FeCl 3. Finally Dissolving iron salicylate complex in HCl, gives the starting solution of FeCl 3.

10 IF EXP. (II) GIVES NO PRECIPITATE THEN CARRY OUT EXP. IV EXPERIMENT. IV To (1 ml) of the unknown solution, add (2ml) of ammonium chloride and (1 ml) of ammonium hydroxide and (1 ml) of sodium sulphide solution. What do you observe? Observation:

11 Systemic Investigation of [Ni 2+ ] (SI - 10) Systemic Investigation of [Ni 2+ ] (SI - 10) Idea of experiment: (1) Qualitative investigation of [Ni 2+ ] in a systemic cycle. (2) Preparation of different [Ni 2+ ] compounds. (3) Inter-conversion of [Ni 2+ ] compounds.

12 Reagents Used: - Nickel chloride - Dimethylglyoxime. - Sodium hydroxide. - Ammonium Hydroxide. - Hydrochloric acid. Exp.1 Exp.2 HCl Exp.4 Chloride Salt Exp.3 Ni 2+ Green ppt. Ni (OH) 2 Green ppt. Ni (OH) 2 Blue solution. [Ni (NH 3 ) 4 ] 2+ Red ppt. Ni (DMG) 2 (SI - 10)

13 Exp. 1 Add ( 1 / 2 ml) of NH 4 OH very dilute solution to ca. (2ml) of nickel chloride solution. What do you observe? Observation: Green ppt. of nickel hydroxide. Equation: Exp. 2 Dissolve the precipitate obtained from exp.1 in excess NH 4 OH ca. (2ml). What do you observe?

14 Observation: Blue solution of [Ni(NH 3 ) 4 ] 2+ complex. Exp. 3 Add (1 ml) of NaOH to the solution produced from exp. 2. What do you observe? Observation: Green ppt. of Ni(OH) 2. Exp.4 Add (1 ml) of NH 4 Cl to the precipitate obtained from exp. 3. to dissolve the ppt. Then, add ca. ( 1 / 2 ml) of dimethylglyoxime. What do you observe? Observation: Red ppt. of nickel dimethylglyoxime complex.

15 Finally Addition of (1-2 ml) of HCl to the complex obtained from exp. 4 gives the starting NiCl 2 solution. Finally Addition of (1-2 ml) of HCl to the complex obtained from exp. 4 gives the starting NiCl 2 solution. Idea of the experiment: (1) Qualitative investigation of [CO 2+ ] in a systemic cycle. (2) Preparation of different [CO 2+ ] compounds. (3) Inter-conversion of [CO 2+ ] compounds. Systemic Investigation of [CO 2+ ] (SI - 11) Systemic Investigation of [CO 2+ ] (SI - 11)

16 Reagents Used: Exp.1 Exp.2 HClChloride Salt Exp.3 CoCl 2 Blue ppt. Basic cobalt salt Blue ppt. Co (OH) 2 Pink solution Cobalt amine complex (SI - 11) - HCl (1:1 Solution). - HNO3 (1:1 Solution). - Cobalt (II) Chloride. - Sodium Hydroxide. - Ammonium Hydroxide.

17 Exp. 1 Add ca. ( 1 / 2 ml) of NH 4 OH solution to ca. (2 ml) of CoCl 2 solution. What do you observe? Observation: Blue ppt of Co(OH) 2. Equation: Exp. 2 Dissolve the precipitate from experiment (1) in (2 ml) NH 4 OH, and then add (1 ml) of NaOH. What do you observe? Observation: Blue ppt of basic cobalt salt.

18 Heat the precipitate obtained from exp. 2. What do you observe? Exp. 3 Observation: Pink solution of cobalt - amine complex. Finally Addition of HCl to the solution obtained from exp. 3, gives the starting CoCl 2 solution. Finally Addition of HCl to the solution obtained from exp. 3, gives the starting CoCl 2 solution.

19 Idea of the experiment: (1) Qualitative investigation of [Mn 2+ ] in a systemic cycle. (2) Preparation of different [Mn 2+ ] compounds. (3) Inter-conversion of [Mn 2+ ] compounds. Systemic Investigation of [Mn 2+ ] (SI - 12) Systemic Investigation of [Mn 2+ ] (SI - 12)

20 Exp.1 Mn 2+ Buff ppt. MnS Exp.2 HCl (SI - 12) Buff ppt. Mn (OH) 2 Chloride salt Reagents Used: - Manganese chloride. - HCl, (1:1 Solution). - Ammonium Chloride. - Ammonium Hydroxide. - Sodium sulphide.

21 Add (1 ml) of ammonium hydroxide to ca. (2 ml) of manganese chloride solution. What do you observe? Exp. 1 Observation: Buff ppt. of Mn(OH) 2 Equation: Add ca. (2 ml) of ammonium chloride to the precipitate obtained from exp. 1 and then add (1 ml) of sodium sulphide. What do you observe? Exp. 2

22 Observation: Buff ppt of MnS. Finally dissolving the precipitate obtained from exp. 2 in conc. HCl, gives the starting solution of MnCl 2 Finally dissolving the precipitate obtained from exp. 2 in conc. HCl, gives the starting solution of MnCl 2 Equation:

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